
42 7 0

June 17th, 2016 | Augusta, Mn

Jenna McGay: wtf it's cold here

Taylor M: 68 degrees isn't that cold it just means wear jeans

Dawson, Rian: this isn't bad TBH

Princess Lexi: I won't mind being outside nice

Tol Gay Jewish Boy: ok but when we get back from tour we're going wedding shopping okok

Tay JarGay: are you guys doing bridesmaids or just groomsmen

Smol Gay Jewish Boy: we're going to let each couple walk down the aisle together and single people will get an assigned partner ig

Smol Gay Jewish Boy: nice there's 6 single people it's even

Tol Gay Jewish Boy: also @/ famous people how many of you are going

Yelyah Williams: me

Swiftly: me

Tol Gay Jewish Boy: are we allowed to make you walk down the aisle together

Swiftly: I guess

Smol Gay Jewish Boy: also the aesthetic is black and white and grids and its 2015 tumblr and the invitations have trebuchet sans italic bold

Vicky T: we get it you are the traditional tumblr gay couple

Swiftly: when is the wedding again

Smol Gay Jewish boy: it's two days before we go back to school, so August 30th

Group Chat II : Not Your Average SummerWhere stories live. Discover now