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The Light: being pregnant in 90 degree weather is pain

The Light: on a normal day I don't go outside and now I'm like NEVER

Boo Bacon: I hate weather

Merrick, Zack: same

Kelli 💕: Vic and I want to go to a pool but we don't know where

yelyah Kiyoko !!: FAM we have a pool at my house

yelyah Kiyoko !!: address is xxxx you all can come

Vic Fu(entes): bless


"Wow I regret being outside", Mike said to his boyfriend. "It could be 100, like it was in San Diego", Tony replied. "StOP BeIng PuSsiEs" Vic yelled as he bobbed his head in and out of the weather.
"You realize my parents are upstairs, right", Hayley yelled.

Brendon and Ryan almost ficked as usual until stefanie stopped them. Lights and beau sat in the shade and went in the water every once and a while. Hayley ordered pizza for everyone and questioned as to why she invited them all over. Ashley and Melanie showed up too and just sat by the pool being literal goals. The group of who the fuck knows how many people stayed there until 2am eating pizza and creating memeories that would last a lifetime, if they could remember what happened last night.

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