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A/N: ok in a way later chapter should I add cara delevigne and Kendall Jenner BC yes I lowkey ship them leave me alone


June 21st, 2016 | Richmond, VA

Tay JarGay: I'm so ahahsbzbzzhdjshsmsjsjsjdjdhsbsbsn

Jenna McGay: ok but we want to have a new year's wedding

Tol Gay Jewish Boy: yes

Jenna McGay: we're starting shopping right after Max and hoodie because apparently it takes a long time for wedding dresses to come in

Smol Gay Jewish boy: being gay is great because you don't have to worry about dresses

Ryro: when your nb and gay

Smol Gay Jewish Boy: oh shit

Ryro: wait @ Max and hoodie where's your wedding going to be

Smol Gay Jewish Boy: at a synagogue in New York

Ryro: nice

Ryro: @ Tay and Jenna where's yours

Tay JarGay: we've called two different hotels and were waiting to hear back

Ryro: you are so fucking productive

Tay JarGay: true

Tol Gay Jewish Boy: how do you all feel about grid print bridesmaids dresses

Kinky Aesthetic: yes pls my aesthetic

Alexa Gunn: that would be fucking rad

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