School's out!

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I was woken up by the annoying sound of my alarm bursting through my eardrums, 'I should really start turning the volume down on that thing' I thought to myself.
Then all of a sudden I remembered something, it was my last day of school ever!

I threw myself out of bed with such energy I probably would have fallen over if I hadn't been so awake. I burst out of my room and ran down the stairs skipping two at a time with excitement!

I was so excited to be finishing school that I almost didn't inhale the delicious smell of bacon and eggs wafting through my house, and until then I didn't notice the constant growling sounds coming from my stomach! "yum my favourite, thanks mum" I said walking into the kitchen and giving my mum a hug. "Well it is your last day of school ever, and you're so independent these days I hardly ever get to make you breakfast anymore" I smiled at her and took my breakfast and sat down at the breakfast bar, scoffing down my delicious food as soon possible, instantly feeling myself get even happier on a full stomach! Could the start to my day get any better?

Just then my brother Jacob came thumping down the stairs with his eyes still half closed... 'Some things never change' I thought to myself with a smirk plastered across my face. "Morning mum, morning Liv" he grumbled. "What's the smug look for?" He asked me. "Nothing" I said, giggling.

My name full name is Olivia Grace Martin, but everyone calls me 'Liv' for short except for my best friend Alexis who called me 'Livy loo' I know right, what mature 18 year olds we are ;)

I walked up stairs into my room and looked for a cute outfit for the day, I ended up settling on a pair of white ripped denim shorts a grey crop top and a cute red flannel just in case I got hot which I doubt I will in this heat! After picking out my outfit I dove into the shower and sang 'last Friday night' by Katy Perry at the top of my lungs, well I wouldn't call it singing it was more like dragging a cat through a bush backwards!

After hopping out of the shower I got dressed and did my hair, I didn't need makeup as I have alright skin and I feel like it makes me look way older than my age. I grabbed my bag off my bed and bounced down the stairs once again. I grabbed a granola bar and chucked it in my bag, I didn't need much to eat at school as I had a big breakfast and it was a half day today. "Jacob" I called out at the top of my lungs "I'm coming" he said whilst running out from around the corner where his bedroom is. "Bye mum" I called out "bye kids, have a good last day of school" And with that we were out the door.

Jacob and I hopped into my black Range Rover, I know you're probably thinking how over the top that is for an 18 year old and how rich I must be, my family isn't rich but we are secure, my dad left us years ago and mum works so hard for everything she has. My life savings went into buying my car.

The whole ride to school was pretty silent, Jacob would occasionally talk about how lucky I was to be finishing school forever, Jacob is only 16 so he has another two years of school left.

Once we arrived at school I jumped out of my Range Rover with a sudden urge to see my friends, I waited for Jacob to get out and then locked the doors.

Today was going to be amazing!
Hey guys, so I started writing a fanfic and don't worry Justin will come into the story soon! Anyway tell me what you think ;)
I will try to update at least twice daily... Love you guys

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