Big decisions

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Justin's POV~
My date with Olivia was yesterday, I had admitted my feelings towards her and she told me she felt the same way, everything is perfect... Except for the fact that I am leaving New Zealand in two days. I have been thinking long and hard about the situation and I have come to the decision that I am going to ask Olivia to come back home to Canada with me and from there come with me on my world tour. Sounds crazy right? And it is, I am about to ask a girl I have known for less than a week to leave her completely normal life to come and live mine with me. However my life is different than hers, much different. On a daily basis I am confronted by about 1000 screaming fans shoving their phones in my face, don't get me wrong I love my beliebers but there is a difference between them and fans. Fans drain me of my energy and sink me to my lowest point, they constantly judge me and make me feel like I'm not good enough. Beliebers however, make me feel at peace with myself and I know that I won't let them down because they love me for who I am and support my decisions no matter what. This is why I am nervous that if Olivia agrees to come with me, and take part in my everyday life she will end up sinking to as low as I have in some points in my courier. That is a possibility but I will do everything in my power to make sure I give her everything I can, I will put her above everybody and everything and I will learn to love her endlessly and unconditionally.

And with that my decision was made.

Olivia's POV~
I got no sleep last night, I was thinking about how I am falling for Justin but he is leaving the county in only two days. What will I do without his company? Part of me feels like I have taken him for granted when really as quick as he came into my life he will be gone again.
My phone interrupted my thoughts,

Justin: Hey, can I come over? Need to talk x

Me: I was just thinking about you, talking sounds good. Please come over I miss you x

Justin: I miss you too, princess ;) xxxx

My heart melted at his words, I am falling for him so easily and I need to stop myself but part of me doesn't want to.

30 minutes later I heard a knock at my door I rushed downstairs and opened it, a smile instantly appearing on my face. "Come in" I said to Justin, he stepped inside shutting the door behind him. Before I could say anything he pulled me into a tight hug, my head rested against his heart and I could hear it beating in a soft rhythm, he didn't let me go nor did he say any words he just stood there and embraced my body. Justin finally released me from his arms and looked directly into my eyes "I missed you" he said with a simple smile. "I missed you too so much, but let's stop with the sappy stuff and do something fun" I said, Justin giggled and I grabbed his hand and took him up to my room. "You have a cool as room" Justin said looking around admiring all my stuff. "Thanks, I can only imagine how much you miss having all your stuff in one place" I smiled at him sympathetically. "Yeah I do, that's why I love going home to Canada whenever I get the chance. I have all my stuff in my room there, and I can be with my family" he looked slightly hurt while he was saying that so I decided on doing something fun and making the most of our last time together. "Let's go swimming" Justin chuckled "I don't have swimming trunks" Justin added. "I'll be right back" I said, I ran down the stairs and turned the corner into my brothers room. He wasn't home so I grabbed a pair of his swimming trunks and sprinted back up to my room, I threw the trunks at Justin and a large smile grew on his face. "Where should I get changed" he said the smile still not leaving his perfect lips. "You get changed in here and I'll go in the bathroom" I went to my draws and grabbed out my black VS bikini and walked into my bathroom shutting the door behind me. Once I was changed I left the bathroom and as soon as my eyes fell on Justin I just stood there staring, remembering how toned his body was and admiring is abs. It turns out I wasn't the only one staring "wow" Justin says snapping me out of my daze. "Huh" I say still a little lost for words, "you're beautiful" he says as he walks towards me and plants his soft lips against mine. I slowly pull away from the kiss looking back down at his muscular body "thanks jay, so are you" . Then I grabbed his hand and we ran down through the house getting ready to have a day full of fun in the pool.

Thanks for reading guys :)))
Looks like Justin's gonna pop the big question next chapter ;)

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