Waking up in Justin Biebers hotel room!

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I heard crashing sound and opened my eyes instantly. I was laying a couch in a big fancy room, I poked my head up over the side of the sofa and saw something that made my jaw drop, Justin Bieber in the kitchen preparing some sort of meal. When noticed me awake he looked up from what he was doing and his eyes met mine, he came jogging towards me with a happy expression on his face. "Thank god you're awake" he said in an excited tone (which I had to admit was pretty cute) I hadn't noticed until I got a better look at him that he was shirtless. 'Woah that's a view I wouldn't mind seeing more often' I thought to myself. "Hello up here" he said with a smirk on his face. "Huh?" I said "Enjoying the view I see" he said with a tone that hinted that he was rather proud of himself. "No, I mean yes I mean uhhh.... I should probably call my mum" I mumbled feeling extremely embarrassed. He just chuckled "Already been done" he said "What do you mean?" Realising I had just used one of his song titles. A wide smile spread across his face "you're friend Alexis I think it was came out of the club not long after you had fainted, she saw me trying to help you I told her what happened and insisted on bringing you back here to make sure you were ok, she called your mum and told her what was going on" he explained. I blushed I mean come on it's not everyday Justin Bieber goes out of his way to make sure you're ok.

Later on I was still in Justin's hotel room and we had finished his attempted breakfast, it was the thought that counted. We were watching 'the notebook' apparently it's one of Justin's favourite movies. He turned to face me and just stared into my eyes, I stared back and got lost in his, he has really nice eyes. "You know you're beautiful, right?" He said all of a sudden making me uncontrollably blush, "thanks, but you don't have to tell me that" I said feeling a little bit awkward that Justin felt he had to tell me that. "I'm serious Olivia, don't ever let anyone tell you any different" I just nodded my head and decided to ignore the compliment "you can call me Liv" I finally said making him chuckle.

"Well I better get home, my mums probably getting worried" I said once the movie had finished. "Ok, I will get Kenny my security to drop you home" he said with a smile, I nodded with a smile and made my way to the door. "Waiittttttt Liv" I turned around looked at him with a confused expression "there's something wrong with my phone, can you help me fix it?" I don't know what he thought I was going to be able to do about it but decided to help him anyway. "Well I'm not to good with technology but sure I will try and help, what's wrong with it?" Justin smirked "it doesn't have your number in it" he said with a smug grin. "Well that's easily fixed" all of a sudden I had a burst of confidence, I picked his phone up from the table and programmed my number into it. After putting my number into his phone I headed for the door and left. I can't believe Justin Bieber just asked me for my number!!!!!!!!! 'What if he likes me' I thought to myself 'don't be stupid Olivia, Justin Bieber does not like you'

Once I was home I walked through my door and found my mother and all my friends sitting around the table. "So Justin Bieber aye?" Alexis said trying to control herself, I blushed and took her hand and then grabbed Emma's hand as well, I ran up the stairs to my room ready to tell them all about what just happened.

This was the best weekend ever!
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter wasn't very good but I promise I will make the next one better and longer. Justin was in this chapter though yay! So I'm thinking next time I'm going to start adding Justin's point of view, what do you think?
Anyway I will update soon, love you guys! :)

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