Harry Imagine - For Everyone - Skye's

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wow guys! I have over 75 reads and 3 votes already!

thank you so much!

the next goal is:

100 reads altogether on the book


5 votes altogether on the book

here is the Harry Imagine!

much love,



you walked slowly down the road as the rain poured down. you had no idea where you were. the darkness around you covered everything so there was no hope on you seeing somewhere you recognised.

you continued walking anyway, hoping to bump into someone but you knew that nobody would be out in this storm.

you had gotten into a fight with your best-friend, who you lived with, and she had locked you out.

you walked for another half an hour before collapsing in the middle of the road. you saw some lights coming towards you and some male voices but then you blacked out.


"what are we going to do?! we can't just keep a random girl here!" you heard a male voice say.

you fluttered you eyes open to see five boys sat in a circle in front of you.

"you're awake!" one of them said when they saw you sit up.

he had curly brown hair and green eyes. wow, those green eyes were stunning.

"yeah...I am awake..." you replied, "wait! where am I and who the hell are all of you?!"

"ah, hello!" said a boy with brown hair and brown eyes, "you got lost I think last night and passed out when we saw you. you are in London. we brought you home with us. you were in Doncaster when we found you. we are One Direction!"

he looked at you as if he expected you to know who that was.

"One Direction?" you asked, shaking your head.

all five of the boys' eyes were suddenly wide.

"you don't know who we are?" asked a brown haired boy with blue eyes.

"no, should I?" you asked.

"we are like the biggest boy band around at the moment..." a black haired boy with brown eyes said more quietly than the rest.

"oh...sorry, but I don't know who you are...what are your names?" you asked them.

"I'm Niall!" said a blonde boy with blue eyes.

he had an Irish accent and he was HOT!

"I'm Liam!" said the brown haired boy with brown eyes.

mmmm he was fit too...

"I'M LOUIS!" the brown haired boy with blue eyes yelled.

he was a little loud but cute too.

"I'm Zayn!" the black haired boy with brown eyes said.

his eyes were so mysteriously beautiful...

"and I'm Harry..." the curly one said quietly.

wow. he. was. gorgeous.

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