Louis Imagine - For Amber - Skye's

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well this is the update that I promised for yesterday because I have over 50 reads which is amazing! I am sorry that this is late but thank you guys so much for that!!

my next goal will probably be 75 reads AND 3 vote for a new chapter, altogether on the book.

check my twitter anyway, just to see if the goals changes: skyyeelizabethh

thank you so much for all the reads!

when I mentioned this book to my friend, Amber, and told her that I was either doing a Louis or Harry imagine next, she immediately said Louis so this is for her!

much love,



"AMBER!" I heard a voice yell from outside my door.

I opened it quickly and saw my childhood friend, Skye stood there.

"hey!" I said happily letting her in to my flat.

"hello!" she replied, taking a seat on the sofa.

"what's up?" I said, sitting down next to her, "you haven't visited in ages! I always go to yours!"

"I know, I know and I'm sorry but that way I can stay in my pyjamas all day! duh!" Skye said giggling.

I laughed at her, knowing that she was actually being serious.

"what is it though?" I said, becoming serious again.

"weeeeeellllll...I'm ENGAGED!" she yelled the last part.

"WHAT?! OH'MY'GOD! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" I 'fangirled' on the sofa.

"last night...he proposed over dinner...a candle lit dinner, might I add!" she squealed.

I squealed with her, happy that she had found the perfect guy.

"I came here to ask you to A - be bridesmaid at the wedding and B - help me organise the engagement party? please?" she pleaded.

"of course I will you idiot! let's go!" I said, full of enthusiasm as I pulled her up.

we ran out of my flat together and I locked the door before racing to her car. we climbed in and spoke excitedly all the way to her cottage about the party.

"I have books laid out on the table and I have fabrics and colour samples on the desk, okay?" Skye told me as she led me into the living room which connected with the study.

the folding doors that led to the study were currently open, showing me all of the bright colour samples.

"well, have you chosen a venue?" I asked, sitting down at the table which was covered in books.

"nope..." Skye replied.

"well sit down now and look through these which will give you ideas for designs and I will ring up that really posh hotel with the ballroom? the local one?" I instructed.

"yes ma'am! but isn't that really expensive?" she asked, sounding concerned.

"nope because the new owner is Eleanor!" I told her, full of excitement.

"Eleanor as in your best-friend Eleanor?" she asked.

"yes dummy, now get on with it and I will give her a ring, kay?" I said.

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