Zayn Imagine - For Everyone - Mia's

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If you want one of my imagines dedicated to you give my 2 good reasons down in the comment box and I'll chose which one I think is best. And I'll do it with your favourite band member. I'll try to write one every week if not more. I'll try to do one person every time I write and imagine. Oh and please vote if you haven't it would mean a lot to Skye and I if you guys would vote! Love you my little ninjas ~Mia xx


You have been dating Zayn Malik for 4 years. You've dated him over the whole time he was on the X Factor and became 1/5 of the biggest band on the planet, One Direction. It was your 4th anniversary now. He took you to Castatellis very beautiful, elegant Italian restaurant. As you walked to your table in one of the private areas of the restaurant Zayn stopped, pecked you on the lips and resumed walking. Once seated the waiter came and took both of your orders. When you had finished eating Zayn excused himself to the restroom. You hadn't noticed that Zayn came back until he cleared his throat. When Zayn walked up to you his hands were behind his back and he looked really nervous. After a minute or so he kneeled down on one knee took his hands from behind his back and opened a navy blue box that revealed a beautiful ring. Zayn said, "I know that this is long overdue. I want you to know (y/n) that I love you with all of my heart and will forever and ever. So with that being said would you do me the honour of becoming by beautiful wife (y/n)?"

With a tear dripping down your face you say, "I love you with all of my heart too Zayn and I will forever. Yes, I will do you the honour of becoming your wife." With that you stuck out your hand and he slipped the engagement ring on your finger. You smiled at him and he smiled back at you. Before you could say anything Zayn leaned forward and kissed you. The kiss was full of love and passion. When you pulled apart he looked at you with love in his eyes. After that you and Zayn left Castatellis. You went back to the flat you shared and 'watched' Love Until the End of Time. 'Watching' the movie consisted cuddling, unplanned make-out sessions, and lots of short, sweet kisses. When the movie ended Zayn carried you up to bed bridal style. You both got changed and cuddled in bed until you fell asleep to Zayn singing What Makes You Beautiful.

The next morning you wake up to loud music playing and the smell of food and see that Zayn isn't next to you. You got up slipped on your fuzzy pink slippers and went down stairs. You stand at the kitchen door and watch Zayn cook in only his boxers and singing around Zayn in just his boxers singing to Wild Ones making French toast, bacon and eggs. You walk up behind him and slap his bum. He whips around to see who just did that. When he sees you a huge grin appears on his face and he leans down to kiss you but before he can you dodge to the right. "What was that for (y/n)?" Zayn stomps his foot, whines like a two year old.

"You can have your kiss when I get my food." You finished the sentence with sticking out your tongue and jumping onto the kitchen island. Once Zayn handed you your food you gave him a kiss and ate your breakfast with a smirk on your face. When you finished and had put your dishes in the dish washer you walked back over to Zayn and sat on his lap.

"(y/n) what's with the smirk on your face? What are you going to do? Babe you scare me sometimes."

"Well I just had an idea. Let's go upstairs and talk about it. Ok?" you asked.

"Ok! I like the sounds of this." He says grabbing you from behind and kissing your neck until he finds you sweet spot and you shudder at his touch on your neck and he begins to suck lightly leaving a little love bite. When you realize what he's trying to do you turn around and lightly shove him off of you and playfully slap his chest.

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