Chapter Twenty - New found Understanding

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This is going to be weird - different might be the right word - to spending this night with Lynx.

By different, I mean I'm kicking myself for agreeing to this, but the guy did save my life, so this is the least I could do for him.

That, and yesterdays unfortunate events did convince me he isn't a murderer. The one thing I do not want to do is falsely convict someone because a 'feeling' or what I have been told. It would actually make me the biggest hypocrite in the world if I did that. I've made the decision that, from now on, as it should have been all along, everyone in my book is innocent until proven guilty. New slate. Except Vlad of course; that guy is crazy. 

I constantly question why he asked me on a date. Sometimes I wish I could know what he is thinking. He is very mysterious. Knowing anything would be great, and maybe that's what this is. Maybe he wants me to know more about him.

A bruise was already forming on my cheek. God, it's ugly, but i'm thankful that's all I got as a battle scar. A little of concealer and powder, and that my skin is almost back to being as white as a ghost. 

I, like most of the female population, enjoy dressing up, but i'm very rarely invited to an occasion where It's required, so I'm not exactly good at it. I have no sense of colour-coding, which is why Jane is usually my guide with these things. 

I didn't tell her about him in confident there will be some serious judging going on. Anyway, it's not like this isn't just a one-time thing.

Luckily, there was only half a wardrobe full of clothes to choose from. I took a long look, scowled, and took another long look. In the end, I settled for a black lace dress with cute little wedges that I sometimes wear out to dinner with dad. I'm assuming this will be like date, right? Is that what usually happens on dates?

As soon as the clock on my phone hits Eight, I turn off my curler and wait by the door. Just like he said there would be, there's a patient but strong knock. Straight away, my eyes drift heavily to his arms.

Lynx, who actually scrubbed up well, was wearing something of a casual attire. Black jeans, a dark red Polo, a leather sleeve-covered arm holding out to me a single Peony.

It completely caught me off guard. No one had ever gotten me a flower before. I gladly take them from him, though. If this is what a date is like, count me in for tomorrow!

"Wow. Thanks." I clear my throat, really trying not to make things awkward. "I'll uhm... just put these in water."

He gives me a smirk and stays put by the door while I fill a vase with cold water, dropping in the flower. I appreciated that very much. I was getting sick of people breaking in and acting like they own the place. It's nice for a change someone wants to be invited in.

"Alright. Lets go. Where are we going?"

He steps outside but stops me when i'm through the door, eyes roaming, assessing me. "You look beautiful."

He said it slow, like he wanted me to understand each word that held a different meaning. His eyes glinted, and he smirked as my breath was taken away. Wasn't prepared for that either. God, I need to pull myself together. My cheeks went as red as a tomato, but I looked away in hope he wouldn't notice.

"You're pretty too,' I respond, mentally kicking myself. You're pretty too? Seriously? I follow him to his motorbike.

Only, hang on, it wasn't his motorbike. He brought a car to pick me up. That's good, isn't it? But how many vehicles does he have? 

"Do you, uhm..." I was going to say 'Drug deal' but I had another thought, a more urgent and surreal thought. I felt myself asking it anyway, unsure and I guess not really caring if it affected anything. I needed to know. "Live forever?"

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