Chapter Twenty One - In the Dark

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Jane's P.O.V

The entire body is covered. Unlike how Valerie and I saw Jean go, there's no finger drooping carelessly out of the blanket. It's how I knew this was taken seriously now. Another one dead.

Jean was the only part of my life I was looking forward too. It was all going to work out for us, and I know it would be with Valerie's blessing, because that's just the type of person she is. Standing back here, it's like his death was happening all over again.

I didn't know this is what I was driving to when I made the time. Was it convenient or did it serve a purpose? To warn me, maybe? Wow, this needs to stop. 

I cringe as the nurses wheel him into the Ambulance calmly, no need to rush. "Travis," I whisper. This happened because Valerie spoke to this guy, the one who's been committing all these murders, and I don't know what she said  but obviously she didn't chose the right words. That's why I was here. No more people will die because of her mistake, because she is the key to everything, and she knows so little. I need to fix this epidemic.

I dial Valerie's number, hoping to tell her innocently that Travis was the latest victim of her stupidity, but her phone is dead and, like always, it goes straight to voice mail.

"Excuse me, do you have a ride home?" An Officer approaches me politely. My feet had moved me unconsciously right beside the police tape, and I was searching the area Travis was found, looking for blood, maybe another knife.

"How was he killed?" I wanted confirmation. After all, it was Valerie that taught me to get all the evidence before making conclusions. 

The man looks at me blankly. "Did you know him? If you did, i'm going to have to ask you to come down to the station and make a statement."

No way was I going to do that. Police stations freak me out, and I'm not here to be dragged away, that'll make me extremely late.

"Everyone at school knew him," I say into the cold air, "I saw him walking around. I just never thought... Was he murdered? By the same man who murdered Jean Symmons?"

He kneels down beside me, a simple act I've always hated. Dad used to do it all the time when he was trying to talk sense into me as a little kid. It makes me feel small, like the other person thinks of me as small. I tighten my lips.

"Man or woman, we don't know," he says, "but yes, there have been a string of murders in this area and we are working very hard to get to the bottom of them. That's why I must insist you leave this area immediately. Do you have a lift home?"

I point back to my car. "Was Travis murdered?"

"That was his name? Travis? How did you know that?"

I heave a sigh. I remember when I sent Valerie into talk with him, seeing him walk out of storage seconds after she got back into the car. I worked with him, I would know him anywhere. Not only has he been uncharacteristically absent from work, but I noticed someone hadn't been killed in a while. "I'm the one who called you." 

He is silent for a while, before standing and giving me a firm pat on the back, "make sure you get home safe." Then he leaves.

It's not long after that the Ambulance speeds away, no lights or sirens accompanying it. It was just a death, not an Emergency.

I walk back and lean against my ute, peering ahead of me past the police tape, into the darkness. Is this his house? The whole forest? Does he have a family? Perhaps they all take turns murdering people, then they move to another area of the forest. It would only make sense, there have been other places people have been taken to before they get chopped up. I know who did this, and I may have wrongly accused that Lynx guy, even suspected his brother at one stage,but after this I will know for sure, and then things will be a whole lot easier. The thought of being his next victim scares me. I want to be safe.

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