Chapter Thirty One -Light

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              The shadow of guilt is never overcome by the whisper of innocence.

Sara opened my door. 

Light blinded me. Before I could understand what was going on, I was being lifted up by my shoulders.

The pain knocked the wind out of me. Standing up was just one of the many things my body wasn't prepared for, but with Sara's help i found myself on my feet. 

"Come on," she groans, supporting my weight as it shifts. "Today we escape."

It was a good plan, thought I definitely did not have the energy for it. Sara, however, has been treated relatively well-well enough to still have colour in her cheeks and a jump to her step. The whole time I had thought she was under Vlad's spell, but this was on her mind instead. I decided I wasn't going to hold her back, but I wouldn't be left behind.

An arm folds around my waist. I lean as light as I could on her shoulder and follow her outside my cell. I couldn't believe it. In a matter of seconds I was no longer trapped in that smelly, crowded room. The first thing I expected was Vlad to be in our way, preventing us from leaving, but I noticed quickly that he was still bashing his fists against what used to be Sara's door. 

"How?" Is all that comes out of my mouth.

I'm dragged past a small window, catching the eye of the angriest man/devil i have ever seen. My spine turns cold. If this doesn't work, and he catches me, he will most likely kill me. 

"Don't slow me down, woman." We walk down a narrow hallway, facing many closed, and I suspect, locked doors. A slight wind slaps my cheeks. So thirsty. It has been so long that I had hope, or I had been on my feet, that the world started spinning before me so quickly. The only thing that stopped me falling over was Sara's support, and the adrenaline coursing through my veins. 

Sara was talking to herself, murmuring about maps and dates. "What are you talking about?" I ask quietly, though it seemed useless when my voice echoed back to me. 

"He showed me this place a thousand times. I know it inside and out."

"You know how to get out?" I ask. That sounded exceptionally helpful.

She scoffs nervously. "Okay, I don't exactly know it inside and out. What i do know is where to find a map. That is what we need. Just keep up with me and we can make this easy."

The moment she says 'keep up' I stop walking. There was the shadow of a man who stood in our way. He had his back to us. For the slightest moment I was worried it was Vlad, that he had escaped. I knew it wasn't when Sara huffs and pulls me along, as if she hadn't seen him. The curves of his face, long flowing hair, deemed him as someone I did not know. It didn't make any sense, why I was the only one seeing him.

"No, stop." If she keeps pulling me forward we were going to bump into him. This was a first for me, so I didn't have a clue what would happen if we were to touch him.

"Shut up," she hushed, "he's going to hear."

"Sara, you're going to-"

"I said shut up!"

To my surprise, I was pulled straight through him. I passed without as much as a cold breath on my cheeks. The man simply vanished into thin air. It was just another hallucination. 

Behind us, a door slammed open. Sara reacted straight away and ducked us into the closest open room, closing the door before Vlad could focus on us. We started to hear doors opening all along the hall, and held our breath.

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