Chapter Twenty Two - Not quite Immortal

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"Where were you?" Rex asks, showing himself in the hall. "I came back from school and you weren't here."

I remove my heavy coat, "dropping Valerie off." I walk to the kitchen. preparing myself a drink. 

"Oh," he shakes his head at my silent request for a drink. He's never had a drink with me. "So this girl... Valerie, was it?"

The bitter taste of alcohol lingers on my lips. "I would rather talk about Jane. I don't want you to see her anymore."

"That's not your decision," he says, "I like her. She's...different."

"Maria was different also. Well, that's what you said. Where did she go?"

My brother crosses his arms childishly. "I don't like her anymore. I want Jane. She likes my music. Why don't you like her?"

My lips tighten. "I don't trust her, and you shouldn't either. You trust too easily."

"And you don't trust enough. You don't even know her." He complains.

His whining rests on deaf ears. Behind him, the Television whirs loudly. A female News Reporter wears a look of distress. "This is the fifth reported case of deaths in this area. The small town of Canarina is in shock; what was once a tourist destination is now the home-and lair- of a serial killer. Mayor Crowne has warned that the residents keep indoors during the late hours, and in crowded streets, or with family members at all times. For the safety of this town, the Pine Forest of Canarina is officially under lock-down. Goodnight, and keep safe."

The image of a cloth covering a dead man lingers in the background. I had missed most of the report, but this will change things. Vlad has never been this careless, and a part of me suspects it is because he feels excited at the thought of wiping out a whole town. This is just a small town, and Vlad loves power. Wiping out Canarina would go down in history as the most horrific serial killings ever recorded. That's just like him to want that.He thinks he is invincible, that he won't eventually get caught. 

"That's Travis," my brother speaks from behind me.

I finish off my drink. "Travis Mgrah, I know."

"So it's true, then? We actually have a serial killer?" There was a shiver in his voice. "Is this murderer back? The one who killed Sara?"

"Don't mention Sara." Sometimes he forgets we don't bring up the dead. What happened to her was just a premature version of what was eventually to come. No one was at fault with her death. "As long as you are smart you will be fine." Though sometimes even that is not enough. There's no question that if Rex were alone around Vlad he would not hesitate to hurt him, even despite his relationship to me. It wouldn't matter. Vlad doesn't stop, and there's no exception to his hunger. Whatever he wants he gets.

"These people were smart. Travis had common sense. Something is going on. They can't even figure out how they're getting killed. I bet-"

He stops and pivots, reacting to a confident knock on  the door. He locks at me hesitantly, expecting a quick reaction. The blood drains from my face. I wasn't expecting anyone, and that means...

I turn off the TV. "Rex, go to your room please." I murmur. 

He gives an annoyed shake of the head. Did we not just talk about common sense? "No. You can't keep telling me what to do. This is my house too, you know."

The knock comes again. He was clearly getting impatient.

"Rex, I wasn't asking, and I won't tell you again. Go to your room and stay there until I tell you otherwise." 

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