Chapter Twenty Three - Regret in the form of a painting

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Out of everything that could surprise me lately, I find myself stunned by the amount of people attending this Art show. I can almost guarantee I'm the only one here who still attends school. Art shows around here are for the wealthy parents who can afford to pay thousands for a picture frame on their wall.

This is the first year one of Jane's paintings has the honour of being up for auction. I've always known she had a talent with paint brushes, but I actually feel a ringing in my chest. I've never been proud of someone before, but I think I'm getting there tonight.

I pull my coat around me and sink back into my seat, watching three more cars circle the small building, desperately searching for parking . Luckily I got here an hour early, that earned me a spot opposite the store on a little grassed area. Through the glass doors, I caught no sign of Jane.

In thirty  minutes the night would begin and I, and everyone else, would be vulnerable to Vlad's blood lust. I mean, tonight would have to be the best time. Death is what he wants, and there's a building full of unaware town residents; it's the perfect attack. 

Looking around now, I can feel something eery is going to happen tonight, and I need to be ready for when it does.

I didn't exactly think that through before I left tonight. What would I use? Then an idea pops into my head. Jane's father wasn't the only paranoid parents after Sara's  death. He stashed, without my permission, a small light blue pocket knife under my car seat.

Leaning forward, I feel around blindly until my hand closes around something cold and small. I drop it in my purse pocket. Just in case he tries any funny business . And I'm counting  on it.

I hear a faint murmur of my name  and look to the side to catch my best friend. She looked increasingly nervous, in a small red dress that catches right before her knee. If anything, it was a cocktail dress; a clubbing dress. Jane has always been one for fashion, but I have to second guess her choice tonight.

Not that I would ever tell her that.

"Oh hey," I push myself out of my car cautiously. I have nothing to be worried about until the actual ceremony starts, I think to myself. It's like I know him already, at least I know the mind of a killer. He had to make a show, if not for the whole town, then for himself. I just hope his master plan doesn't involve Jane.

"Are you okay?" Jane says, watching me with a raised eyebrow, "you look like you're going to be sick. Do you need some food?"

Food was the last thing I needed. "Sure." She should know, but not yet. Not before she auctions off her first painting. I want the light in her eyes to last longer than a few seconds.

Jane clears her throat awkwardly, and doesn't start leading me towards the crowded shiny building. She shifts in front of me, like there was something she needed to say. "I have a present for you."

It caught me off guard. "Actually? Pretty sure I'm supposed to get you a present."

A faint smile touches her lips. I didn't notice before but she is wearing an awfully less amount of makeup. She places her hand on my shoulder, and I take that moment to briefly notice her chewed nails.

"It's in my car. I'll just go get it, okay? Can you wait here?"

I lean against my bonnet. I wasn't really looking forward to walking into such a crowded place anyway. Not really being a people person, I can't imagine bumping into shoulders, being close enough to someone to smell them.

As Jane leaves I remember my first encounter with Vlad. I smelt him then, but he didn't smell human. Actually, I didn't know fear had a smell until I met him. What does he want with me? I have no powers. I mean, do I wish I had any? I've never really thought about it. What if Lynx could allow someone else to take his place? What would even happen if Lynx got his body back? The kid in that lake drowned. How could you rewind death?

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