Chapter Nine-Scared To Death

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Lynx has my phone.

How did he end up with it, you ask?

Lynx showed up while I was seated in the waiting room, tapping away on my phone, scrolling through all my recent screenshots. Why, of all the empty seats, he chose to sit next to me, I've no idea. After a decent amount of threats and unanswered questions about why he left yesterday, I was called in to give a statement by a detective with an ancient face covered in wisdom, I told her everything, except that I was with Jane.

Jane did ask to be kept out of it. Even if she doesn't know I went to the police station, I want to keep the promise I made. So, I told detective Breece, that I travelled alone to the forest.

She gave me the whole 'that forest is forbidden' speech, and sent me on my way with a promise she would get some officers to check it out.

My heart was throbbing in my chest. Actually, I could feel it in my throat, because just by walking I could tell my pocket was empty and I left my phone on one of the seats. I can't figure out why I didn't put it back in my handbag like I usually do, but when I checked the seats I found lynx, and my phone, had vanished.

I was stressing the whole bus ride home, and pulling my hair out for the rest of the walk, until I got in the door, ran to my room and sat on my bed, staring blankly at my posters, wondering, honestly, what the hell?

Why would he take my phone? I know what school the man goes to. Does he honestly think he can get away with it? But, more, importantly, is he just trying to piss me off, or was there a reason for him taking my phone?

Secretly, I was hoping he took it so no one else would, planning to give it to me when he saw me next, but as i lay sideways on my bed, missing my blackberry, I realise I have no life without it. He better be giving it back. If he doesn't, I'll have to resort to using my powers of violence.

Shortly after finishing off my steaming, sorrow filled Turkish delight tea, I hear a soft knock on my door.

"Come in, dad."

He swings it inwards, taking in my room "I don't think I've ever been invited in here," he says, "you've redecorated, I'm guessing."

I follow his gaze to my messed-up floor. I had planned on cleaning it. I thought maybe by some miracle, even though I know I used it yesterday and this morning, it would be waiting for me somewhere in my room. Still, it seems to be gone.

"I was looking for something." With an angry sigh I brush my eyes over him "are you going to work now?"

He looks at me, the circles under his eyes more visible in the lights that hang over the headrest on my bed. "Yeah, I was supposed to this morning, but I wanted to speak with you about dinner."

Dinner. The way he says it echoes in my head. I forgot all about that, "shit, I'm sorry dad, I forgot."

"I don't blame you," he takes a seat on the end of my bed, "with everything that's happened. But I wanted to talk with you about plans that have to be made."

I linger my gaze on him, "plans?"

"I can't work enough shifts to keep this house, Valerie."

To me, that sounded suspiciously like he was suggesting moving out, "uhm, what do you mean?"

" I mean your mum had a part in the bills too, and while she's... Absent, the bills and the mortgage are piling up. This house is too big to keep paying for on my own."

" then I'll help you," I tell him, biting my lip and putting on my thinking face, "i am 18, I should be paying rent. It can go towards the bills."

Dad seems unsure, " I know you're up for responsibility, sweetheart, but your mums wages were just enough, and now I'm falling behind."

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