Chapter 35 PT.3

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Brooklyn's POV:

I let out a sigh and flopped backwards onto my bed.

I really wanted to know what "soon" actually meant.

Was it a good news? Was it bad? Did he have to-

My thoughts were cut off by a strange thud outside my window.

I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly made my way over to the closed curtains on my bay side window. Nudging one of the pastel blue cloths covering the glass over, I peeked out as my eyes wandered the front lawn and driveway. I frowned confusedly. Maybe it was just a-

I was alarmed yet again by a following clang on the window and anxiously pushed open the windows to see what was going on. The wind blew breezily in my face and filled my room as I leaned out the opening to take a better look. Although, it was awfully dark out so my observation skills proved to be worse than I'd hoped.

"Is anyone out here?" I called into the shadows, but no one answered. I could've sworn I heard-

"Brooklyn?" A familiar voice whisper-shouted from below.

"Wait.. Liam? Is that you?" I reply back and squint more closely at the darkened figure on the lawn holding a handful of rocks.

"Erm, yeah.." He confessed, shuffling awkwardly.

"What are you doing here? ..With a hand full.. Of rocks?" I question as he immediately let go of the rocks and wiped his hands nervously on his jeans.

"Remember when I said 'soon'?" Liam began and I nodded. "Well, it's right now. But first I need you to come down." He said quickly.

"Okay?" I laughed, still utterly lost at what was happening. "I'll be down in a second." I say back before shutting the window and closing the blinds.

I grab my phone and stuff it in my bag before slinging it over my shoulder and head down the stairs. The tv is turned off in the living room so I'm guessing Alex and Cass went to bed. I wondered why they didn't hear Liam throwing the rocks at my window. It made me smile at the thought of him trying to be romantic, but I hope it didn't wake them.

Maybe they're just heavy sleepers? I supposed and quietly snuck out the front door, closing it behind me.

"Li- woah. Hi." I blurt out surprised as he appears in front of me.

"Hey." He smiles back and lets out a light laugh.

"So, what did you want to ask me?" I ask excitedly, dying to know what he needed to tell me at the park.

"There's somewhere we need to go first, do you mind?" Liam questioned politely and gently interlocked our fingers together. I blushed and shook my head. "As long as I'm with you, I'm up for it." I respond with a grin. "Great," Liam sighed relaxedly and smiled even wider. "C'mon there's something I want to show you." He nods his head over to his car and walks alongside me happily. "Ladies first?" Liam chuckles and opens the passenger seat for me. "Why thank you, kind sir." I giggle and slip into the automobile. He smiles before closing the door and jogs around to the drivers side, closing the door after him. "And off we go," Liam states before turning the keys in the ignition, pulling out of the driveway.


Liam's POV:

"Liam, is this where I think this is?" Brooklyn gapes with a smile from ear to ear as we drove up to the sixth house on the street.

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