Chapter 30

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Sorry this chapter is super short but the next chapter will be much longer hopefully!! -Sierra💜

Liam's POV:

*Beep. Beep. Beep.*

My alarm clock went off furiously. I turned over on my bed and slapped my hand on the top of the clock. I looked at the time and it was.... 8:50am?!!! I was supposed to pick Brooklyn up at 9am!!! "Crap!!" I shouted angrily and quickly for ready and rushed out the front door to my car with my keys. The boys were firing questions at me while I was running out the front door but I didn't have time to answer any of them. I drove rapidly over to Alex's house and pulled into her driveway just in time. Her and Brooklyn were saying goodbye to each other and Brooklyn waved at Alex one last time and piled into the passenger seat next to me and put her stuff on the floor. "Hey Li! Thanks for picking me up today by the way! It's really sweet of you.!" She said pinching my cheek and pulled me into one of her comforting hugs. "Of course! I'm always here for you. It's no problem." I said smiling back at her reassuringly. It was pouring tons of rain outside. "We should probably get going then before people close the roads due to the weather." Brooklyn said while buckling her seatbelt. "Your right." I said an nodded and put on my own seat belt and started the car up. We drove off going a little above the speed limit since practically no one was on the roads at the time. "Liam." Brooklyn said softly breaking the awkward silence in the car. "Yeah?" I asked with my eyes on the road. "Can I tell you something? It's important and I think you need to know..." She said staring at her hands. "Sure anything! What in your mind?" I asked politely and turned to look at her for a quick second. "Well I just wanted to tell you that even though it's been three years since we broke up.... I still- LIAM LOOKOUT!!" She shouted loudly pointing at the road. I turned to see a bright pair of lights that belonged to a large truck. "Brooklyn!" I shouted quickly before it was too late and covered my body over hers. The warmth of her body was the last thing I felt and the screeching of the car was the last thing I heard. And quickly after the impact the world around me had slipped into a deep darkness.

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