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*This s a flashback
California 2005

"Dinah do you think everything is alright with mommy and daddy"Grace said as she brushed the hair of her raggedy baby doll.

"I don't know you wanna go check" Dinah said.

"Ok let's go"Both of the girls put up their toys and headed to their parents room.The closer they got the more arguing you could hear.They stepped up to the door which was cracked a little and listened .

"You can't do this anymore Tod your hurting our family"Rosa says(their mom)with her strong Puerto Rican accent.

"Rosa shut your mouth and stay outta my business"Todd says making both of the girls jump.

"Its either you get of this drug mess or I'm leaving"Rosa says as tears start to roll down her face.Todd walked over and slammed rosa into the wall.Causing the girls to run in.

"Daddy stop leave mommy alone"Dinah says crying and in shock.

"Get out right now me and mommy are handling business "Todd yelled and hit each of the girls.

" Don't you ever touch my daughters again do you understand me . Now put me down"Rosa yelled .He dropped her and went to the closet he slipped something in his pocket he went towards Rosa and pulled the object out of his pants.

"One more word rosa and I'll shoot your brains all over this house do you understand me"He whispered.She picked up the girls and took them to their room.She sat each of them down then Spoke.

"Look mommy loves you but mommy has to go,I want y'all to be good girls and pack up all your clothes and shoes in your backpack.Y'all are beautiful smart.When you grow up don't make the mistake I did and marry a person like I did OK.

"Yes ma'am"The girls said in union as they packed up all their clothes and shoes.When she left they heard more arguing but this time they heard something different. The girls ran out of their room and saw their mother lying in a puddle of blood lifeless...

Newww book hope you guys like it

*PS longg Chapters some will be boring some will be lit but just stay with us ☺.

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