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Thinking about the challenge the whole night I decided to make it as hard as possible. I don't understand her, maybe because she is different from all other girls.

But what can be the actual reason for her to not tell me anything about all this. Strange, but now I have seven days to find out about her.

I am sitting here at six in the morning with Maryam, Saniya, Haroon, Zian, Rian and Farhad waiting for Zoya to come so, I can tell her about her first task.

"Maryam go and call her she is taking too long" Haroon said and she went up to call her.

"Bro, at least, tell us which task you are going to give her at six in the morning" Rian said.

"Wait and watch" I said and soon Maryam arrived with Zoya right in the back.

She was wearing a red kurta and black trouser with her hair up in a high bun.

She sat down on the couch between Maryam and Saniya and said "Yes Mr. Zeeshan Ahmed what do you want me to do?" she asked coming directly to the point.

Something I like about her.

"Well I was thinking about you making breakfast for at least 40 persons in an hour as everyone will be up in an hour" I said and heard a shocked voice "What?" it was Maryam.

"Have you gone mad? it is not possible to make breakfast for 40 persons in an hour" Maryam said.

"Well she accepted my challenge, but it's okay if she can't we can cancel the challenge and take it as the boys won" I said.

"No need to Mr. Zeeshan Ahmed because I didn't say anything yet, we'll see in an hour with the breakfast" she said and walked out of the room.

Zoya Anwar, I know that this challenge is something you can finish in a half hour, but wait till later. Right now I am just irritating your patience.

We were sitting here deciding what to do after the breakfast as the wedding is tomorrow and Walima the day after.

Soon, everyone we're starting to come and then finally Zoya entered, I checked the time and she was right on time.

"Yes" Maryam said looking at her who was placing the breakfast on the table.

"This girl, I mean it she is seriously really amazing" Saniya said.

We went to the table and sat down as everyone already was seated.

"Hmm, it smells amazing" auntie Samira, Maryam's mom said.

"Mom, why wouldn't it, it's made by the one and only Zoya" Maryam announced.

"Mash Allah dear it tastes really good" everyone said and she thanked them.

She came and sat right in front of me "So Mr. Zeeshan Ahmed the first challenge is done, and yes be ready with the next" she said and began eating.


After finishing the breakfast, I walked towards Ishaan Bhai who was sitting alone looking out of the balcony.

I reached him and stood beside him "What happened now?" he asked.

"Well I don't have to come to my brother whenever I have to say something" I said.

I placed my phone on the table and then sat on the chair beside him.

"You know what I thought about what you told me, but I can't find a reason for not hating him" I told him truthfully.

"What have he done now?" he asked.

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