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"She is nowhere, I have looked at all the places where she used to go when she was upset or just wanted to spend some time alone but she is nowhere" Zeeshan said tensed.

"Call the police now the twenty-four hours is done" he told me and, I nodded and took out my phone from my pocket to call the officer.

"Dad", I called him out and signed him to handle Zeeshan who have been worrying for Zoya and went from here to there for the past twenty-four hours.

He nodded and, I walked out to call the officer. I dialled his number and waited for him to pick up.

"You are speaking to officer Bilal" he said and, I said my "Hello"

"What can, I help you with, Sir?" he asked me and, I answered "You are speaking to Zain Anwar and I called you twenty-four hours ago and you told me to call you back if my sister doesn't come back in that time, remember?" I asked him and he sighed before saying.

"My team is on the way we are coming" he said and, I told him the address before cutting the call.

Why did Zoya go to the backyard while the wedding was inside?

I took out the bracelet I found in the backyard and watched it. I am damn sure about that it's Zoya's bracelet because I bought it for her three days ago.

I was trying to find answers when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to find Juweria standing here.

"Why does all this always happens to us?" I asked her and she looked down.

"I am sorry" she whispered.

"Don't be" I told her and then pulled her into a hug.

"We will find her soon and she is going to be alright, huhn!" She told me and, I nodded before we went inside.

Soon the cops reached and started their investigation after we told them what happened.

"So you all were attending the wedding while she went missing?" the cop asked and everyone nodded.

"Did any of you find something unusual in her behaviour?" he asked and everyone shook their heads.

"Do you suspicious anyone?" he asked and, I looked at dad who looked at me and then turned to the officer.

"I do" he said and everyone looked at him.

"Who do you suspicious?" he asked dad and dad opened his mouth and then said "Her mother, Aima Anwar" he said and, I fisted my hands hearing her name.

"Why do you suspect her?" he asked and he told them "Back in Dubai she tried to hurt her and you can check our case where we already have reported a file on that case and it's still on" he said and he nodded in understanding.

"Anything else you want to share?" he asked us and, I said "I have" and he nodded.

"We found Zoya's bracelet and phone in the backyard of the Royal Hotel" I told him and he took them from us as an evident.

"Before, I leave I just want to tell you that maybe it's a kidnapping and the kidnapper can call for ransom so if something in that way happens then call us immediately" he said and then walked out of the house with his team.

"I hope she would be fine" Mehreen said and Juweria walked towards her to console her.

"Look at you guys none of you have ate anything from last night and, I am sure if Zoya see you guys like this she will get hurt" Juweria said but no one paid much attention.





"Anyone help me", I said into a whisper as I wasn't in any good state.

My whole body is aching in pain. My arms and legs are hurting, I feel like I have been tortured for years.

My eyelids are heavy and my throat is dry. I tried to open my eyes but couldn't more than closing them again.

"Wa ... water" I tried but nothing came out then my throat starting to hurt.

I felt something really cold and heavy on my both wrists and ankles. I was standing barefoot on the floor.

After much difficulties, I opened my eyes and tried to hold them open. I was in a dark room again.

I was standing in the center of this dark room while my wrist and ankles were in handcuffs which were connected to both side of the walls.

The last thing I saw before my eyes went close where a stool in the middle right in front of me.

I heard the door turn open and the same heels I heard before started to click on the floor.




I felt like the steps were coming towards me. I tried to open my eyes but for no use.

The steps stopped again which made my heartbeat beat fast than usual, I got a feeling I never felt before.

"Zoya Anwar" the female voice said.

"Wh ... what do you want?" I asked and the only thing, I got in return was an evil laugh.

"Who ar ... are you?" I asked trying to open my eyes.

"Poor girl did you already forgot me?" she asked trying to act like she was talking to a baby.

"It's been long tim-" she was saying something when I lose my consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

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