Chapter 4

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"Come on! Hurry!" I tugged on my mom. "We don't want to be late!"

"Don't worry, Clara. We still have ten minutes." Mom was calm. She walked beside the trolley I was pushing.

We approached the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Mom and I leaned casually against the barrier and we were on Platform 9 3/4.

Mom spotted someone she knew and pulled me over to her. I still had to drag my trolley. The woman had red hair and was a bit plump. She had a kind smile and kind brown eyes. She was speaking to a boy about my age, with red hair and freckles. He was already a good two inches taller than me. The woman was saying, "Ron, you've got something on your nose."


"Molly Prewett?" Mom interrupted, "Is that you?"

"Jamie Potter. It's been a while. Actually, it's Molly Weasley now."

"Always knew you'd marry him. Also, it's Jamie Black now." Molly frowned, but instantly smiled again. She knows who Dad is. I'm certain of it.

"It was good to see you again, Jamie. Is this your daughter?"

"Yes Mam'm, I'm Clara. I'm going to Hogwarts this year." I cut into the conversation.

"Oh, Ron's starting this year as well." Then Molly turned back to her children.

"Where's Percy?"

Mom and I loaded my things onto the train. I decided to sit in a compartment with a black-haired boy. He was looking out the window, and I figured he wouldn't mind. I got off the train to say my final goodbyes with my mom.

Mom knelt down to my height to hug me. "Bye Mom, I love you."

"I love you, too, Clara. I'll see you at the end of the year. Don't forget to write me."

"I won't."

I overheard Mrs. Weasley's twin sons say, "Hey, Mum, guess what? Guess who we just met on the train?"

Mom and I shared a look and I knew we had the same idea: eavesdrop.

"You know that black-haired boy who was near us in the station?" For a second I vaguely wondered if it was the black-haired boy I was going to share a compartment with. "Know who he is?"

"Harry Potter!"

Mom's jaw dropped slightly. "I have to see him." She muttered.

"There's not enough time for you to explain everything to him, Mom. I'll tell him I'm his cousin and when you meet him at the end of the year you can tell him all of it." I promised her.

"Your right, Go on, you have to get on the train. I love you, Clara."

"Love you too, Mom."

With that I boarded the Hogwarts Express. I went back to the compartment with Harry. I now have to get him to believe that I'm his cousin. I hope he'll believe me fast. 

"Hi," I said to my cousin. "I'm Clara Black."

"Harry Potter." I sat in the seat next to him, but before I could tell him that we were related, the boy Ron, came in.

"Anyone sitting there?" Ron pointed at the seat across from Harry and I. "Everywhere else is full."

Harry and I shake our heads and Ron sits down. I notice him glance at Harry then quickly stare out the window. He had a black mark on his nose. 

"Are you really Harry Potter?" He blurts.

Harry nods.

He points at Harry's forehead. "Have you really got-you know. . ."

Clara Black. Harry Potter's CousinWhere stories live. Discover now