Chapter 3

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I got the picture off of google. I'm not J. K. Rowling, so I don't own the Harry Potter franchise. If I did I would be the queen to this large number of fangirls and boys. Don't sue me. 

*Clara's POV* 

I leave for Hogwarts tomorrow, but today Mom is taking me to Diagon Ally.

"How exactly are we planing to get to London?" I ask as I eat a piece of toast and drink milk at the breakfast table.

"Apparition, duh. Did you think we would swim there?" Mom teases.

"No!" I cried indignantly. "I was just wondering."

"Well, finish your toast and brush your teeth. Get dressed, and come help me pack your trunk full of clothes. We'll spend the night a the Leaky Cauldron."

"Cool!" I scarffed down my toast and ran to get dressed and brush my teeth. 

Forty-five minutes later I was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a grey cotton tee-shirt, and my purple converse. Mom smiled at me and said, "I want to give you something. Don't leave this room."

Mom came back a few minutes later holding a black leather jacket. 

"This belonged to your dad. We agreed when you were born that we would give you his old jacket, I bought him, when you turned 11. Since, you won't turn 11 until October, I'm going to give it to you now." Mom handed me dad's leather jacket. 

"Thanks Mom! This is so cool." I always liked leather jackets. I put it on.

"I'm glad you like it. Shall we go?" I took mom's hand and held on to my trunk, as mom used Side-Along- Apparition.

*Small Time Skip*

After, a quick, suffocating, darkness, we appeared inside a dingy looking bar. The Leaky Cauldron. The bartender was bald and toothless. 

"Hello, Tom!" Mom greeted him, cheerily. 

"Jamie! It's good to see you again. And who's this lovely little girl?" Tom asks.

I push my hair over my shoulder and smile. I'm pleased that Tom thinks I'm pretty, even if I'm not that young. "I'm Clara."

"She's my daughter." Mom elaborates. "We're here to buy Clara's stuff for Hogwarts. We'll also be needing a room."

"No problem. Here's the key to room 11. I'll take the charge from your vault."

"Thanks, Tom. Could you also take our luggage to Room 11, please Tom?"

"Of course, Jamie. So sorry about. . .well, you know." Tom sounded awkward and nervous.

I guess I should have expected this.

I know my Aunt Lilly and Uncle James were murdered by Voldemort ten years ago. But that my cousin, Harry , survived the Killing Curse. The only survivor in fact. So they call him The Boy Who Lived. I never really thought that by extension, Mom was famous because of her brother and nephew's fame. Everyone would know her as, The Sister of James Potter, or Harry Potter's Aunt. 

"No problem, Tom." Mom said quietly.

She led me to a brick wall in the back of the pub. It had a trash can in front of it.

"Mom, that's a wall." I pointed out.

"Yes it is, but it's also an entrance. Just watch me."

Mom pulls out her wand and points it at the brick that is 3 up and 2 across from that trash can. She taps out the code, and the bricks shift around until it opens up into a gateway.

Clara Black. Harry Potter's CousinWhere stories live. Discover now