Only You

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*This chapter contains suggestive material*

From the mere age of five, they were best friends. They were always inseparable. It was a beautiful friendship that usually didn't happen due to the social dissimilarity. He was the prince and she was a peasant whose mother was the castle's tailor. The young boy was playing with his best friend as she stood on top of the stool and sang.

"I'm the King of the castle and you're the dirty rascal~"

"(F/n), dear. We must go home." She heard her mother call as she popped her head around the door.

"Okay, mother! Bye Levi!" (F/n) beamed merrily and gave him a hug.

"Bye, brat." Levi replied and then she left.

(F/n) was the only friend that Levi had. He disliked all the friends that were practically paid to play with him.

Throughout their childhood, Levi and (F/n) remained best friends. (F/n) had taken up the tailoring, at the age of ten, after her mother died due to a sickness. Levi remembered how sad she was for awhile after. He remembered how it felt to lose his mother. It was a sick feeling. It was a wretched feeling when they'd call out for their mothers, forgetting that they had passed on.

(F/n) still visited the castle regularly to do her job and Levi often stayed in the room and chatted with her. Their friendship never forestalled. Not once. It only flourished and grew into something beautiful. It was beyond just a mere fancying. It was a mutual adoration, not one that could be ignored or stopped. It wasn't an option.

"(F/n). Look at me. What I'm feeling for you shouldn't be happening. But I cannot deny my heart. You have taken my heart. Take care of it." Levi whispered in the ear of the girl he loved, while his hand had her chin tipped up slightly.

"I will, Levi. Feel this?" She asked and put his hand where her heart is. He could feel her heart thumping quickly, yet softly against her chest.

"This is all yours. You make my heartbeat faster every time we're around each other. It makes me feel happy. A happiness I haven't felt since my mother died. Levi. I love you." She replied lovingly, in a hushed tone.

Levi moved his hand to caress her cheek gently. (F/n) lightly placed her hand over his and smiled sweetly.

He leaned down slowly and just as their lips were about to touch he whispered in her ear.

"I love you for all you that you are, all you have been and all you are yet to be."

He connected their lips in a heart warming kiss. (F/n)'s hands found their way to Levi's cheeks, running her thumbs over his cheek. She rested all her weight on one leg as Levi enfolded his arms around her waist.

(F/n) pulled away first with a smile gracing her lips.

"Why did we stop?" Levi questioned.

"I had to. I started to smile too much and it would've ruined it." She answered with her beautiful white teeth showing as she smiled again.

She moved back into his arms and rested her head on his chest, feeling the thump of his heart and also the rising and falling of his chest as he breathed in and out.

"You make me feel happy, Levi. Thank you." (F/n) spoke feeling a tear of joy slip from her (e/c) orbs.

"No. Thank you, (F/n). You are the only one to accept me for who I am." Levi replied and started to stroke her hair.

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