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So this is a special because we're celebrating 700 followers!! I'm really happy about it! Even if you don't follow, I'm still grateful for you dedicating your time to read my trashy angst filled one-shot book!! ^-^

*Suggestive Themes*

You trudged your way home, hoping your loving husband was home from work too. It was a very 'shitty' day at the office for you.

For one, your job was very high pressure being a team leader in an insurance company. If that wasn't hard enough it was doubled when your team was in charge of the helpline for people's inquiries about their coverage and what they could and could not do. Sometimes your job could be very heart breaking, your team had to deal with repatriating bodies back to their country if they died abroad, hearing how these poor souls died beforehand and most were quite woeful. It also included things to do with people needing an air-ambulance to better hospital facilities. As much pressure you were in though, you still loved what you did. But everyone has their bad days.

The first disaster to strike today, and happened a mere few minutes after you arrived in, was the phones had gone down. When it happens in a company like that-- where people are ringing in at every second, it's like the world had ended. Once that ordeal had happened, you had to deal with a rather difficult customer on the phone who was annoyed that his insurance did not cover something he desired. It led to him spitting insults down the phone to you, which so led to you crying in the cubicle of a toilet after what he called you.





It was just a lot to deal with at one time. You had missed your break due to the busyness of the day, you ended up having no time to eat making you nearly feel weak with the hunger. To top off your bad mood, you were yelled at by your boss for something a person on your team did; oh you were going to give them one hell of a talking to.

Finally back at your current situation, you had made it back to your apartment with Levi. You entered in with your head held low, taking off your heels to feel the satisfaction of your muscles relaxing. You made your way to the small kitchen to see Levi on his phone. He looked up at you and immediately he sensed your dejected mood.

"Bad day?" He asked. You couldn't even answer as your tears began to build from all the pent up frustration. Your husband was quick to stand and embrace your crumbling self. "Hey, it's okay. Tell me what happened."

"Just fucking bullshit, Levi. The goddamn phones went down not five minutes after I stepped into work, then I got called a whore by some dickwad down the phone once we got them working again and to top it fucking off, my boss screamed at me because of something Jaeger did," You sobbed and felt your chest tighten. You clenched Levi's shirt in your hand as you rested your head against his chest to hear his steady heartbeat that always somehow managed to put you at ease.

"We all get bad days. Don't let some shitty asshole from another end of a phone deter you. Don't let your bastard boss get you down. Next time I see Eren, I'm going to beat his sorry ass for making you go through that," Levi said and put his arms around you.

"Levi, do you think my job would let me have Monday off? I know you're off and I want to get to spend loads of time with you," You said. Levi would never admit it but, he absolutely loved it when you said you wanted to spend time with him. It made him feel like he was worth something. He didn't care if he didn't have worldly fame-- all he wanted was to feel like he meant something in your world.

"I think so. Ring them now and see."

"Okay. Also can we get takeout?" You asked with a wide smile. Levi's weakness.

"Goddammit woman. But that means I get to pick the dessert," He argued.

"Deal. And what will dessert be?" You asked with a devilish grin.

Levi started to trail kisses along your jaw and made his way to the shell of your ear, biting slightly.

So there you go! Thanks again for 700 (lmao this one shot is 700 words long) Also my mother works at insurance company so all of the stuff (excluding the boss part) is what she deals with! Okay guys, take care of yourselves! I'm out!

" ________________________So there you go! Thanks again for 700 (lmao this one shot is 700 words long) Also my mother works at insurance company so all of the stuff (excluding the boss part) is what she deals with! Okay guys, take care of yourselv...

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