Where I Belong

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*Suicide is a theme in this one-shot* also can we just take into account about how amazing this fan art is!
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He felt nothing but aching in his black heart. His grey orbs were now dull and devoid of any joy; reflecting on how he was feeling on the inside. He was hurt, everywhere. Not physically but, emotionally.

But he deserved it for his wrongdoings.

Levi still questioned his own reasoning when it came to that time. When he sought satisfaction through the body of another woman rather than his girlfriend. . .(F/n) (L/n). Oh how he thought he was "winning" by deceiving you and your trust.

He was wrong. Oh-so very wrong.

Countless nights Levi would return from "work" to see you had left his dinner waiting to be heated up, with a sweet note professing how much you loved him. It made him think about why he was doing this to your kind heart, to his sweet loving girlfriend- but temptation bested him so he continued with his adulterating with a woman whom he worked with. He held no real emotion for this other girl- he could've gotten it off any woman for they all can touch the way this girl could.

As time progressed, your actions started to shift. Levi would return home from the non-existent night shift to see you on the couch, curled in a ball. When Levi questioned you about it the next day, you told him it was because you wanted to see him as your time with him was limited ever since these long night shifts began- that had hit home pretty hard for him. His own girlfriend was willing to stay up to all hours just so she could see him and yet, he was enjoying the touch of another while poor (F/n) felt alone with no one to hold her.

It still didn't stop him.

Seeing you on the couch asleep had become a very frequent thing with you in which, Levi would usually scoop your small, beautiful figure into his arms and set you down into bed, tucking you in and then kissing your forehead whispering I love you in your ear. You had heard him say it almost every time and it made your heart swell. Levi was never one to voice his emotions but when you were 'asleep', he told you more often.

Just that one night, he took a phone call when you had woken up, yet stayed quiet about it. It was the night you found out. Oh how that conversation had destroyed you completely.

"Hey, I told you not to call me when I was at home," Levi spoke into the phone. You listened into what he was saying but kept your eyes shut, making Levi think you were still asleep. He gently ran his hands through your (h/c) tresses. "Yeah I had fun too. But we have to do it less often. My girlfriend is keeping herself awake trying to see me so I'm gonna make an effort to spend more time with her." A tear of agony escaped your eye and rolled down your cheek and landed itself onto your pillow.

"Yeah. Bye."

The very next day, Levi had gone to work and told you he would be home earlier to take you out on a date. You nodded absentmindedly, your brain was washed with what you had heard the previous night. All that time you thought he was working was actually the time he spending with another woman. You had cried your poor little heart out that day. You laid on your bed lamenting in despair, wondering what it was that you couldn't provide Levi with. You choked sobs and cries were the only thing that could be heard throughout your home. You felt like you had been stabbed in the heart with a blade, it was tortuous.

That evening, when Levi collected you for your date with him, he immediately noticed your low-spirited mood and merely played it off, thinking you were on your period or something. So he indulged you that night and you could barely look at him. This had struck concern in your boyfriend.

As time went on, he noticed how you never waited for him anymore; never had his dinner ready-made; never smiled anymore; never looked at him anymore.

The two of you were as close as strangers.

Levi then wondered if you knew what he was doing and it feared him to know end. He wanted you back.

But the day he came home to see you lying dead in a pool of your own blood confirmed his thoughts on your knowledge of his cheating. The man was distraught at the sight, he wanted you to come back so he could tell you how sorry he was and how he only loved you. He held your cold body in his arms, crying and weeping whispering in your ear 'I love you' and no response came.

Now he only saw himself as a murderer. You didn't take your life, he took it. Although you may have put the blade on your body- it was because of him that you did.

At present, he was looking at the note he had read repeatedly. The note you left him.

Dear Levi, my true love,
You have my apologies for not being able to cater your needs. I'm so so sorry, I really am. I just couldn't carry on knowing I didn't have your heart any longer. But . . .you still have mine, you always will. I love you, to the moon and back. As I'm writing this, I feel an unbearable pain that's ripping me apart. I can't go on like this. I thought we would always be together but I'm naive. I guess that's why you went for another woman. I'm going to keep this short. I love you, so very very much. I hope to see you again in a different time, maybe you'll love me until we grow old together.

Goodbye my dear,


Levi hated himself for making you think that you were the problem, thus he punished himself by staying alive- to put himself through the pain you went through.

He stared down at a picture of you and him, kissing at a sunset.

'Darkness consumes me. I can feel it. I can feel how she felt. Alone. I do not deserve the easy way out- I will stay this way until I meet a natural death, only then will I be able to say that I know the full extent of her despair. Darkness is where I belong.'

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