The Right to your Freedom

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I got very sudden inspiration for this from a series pictures I saw earlier today.
*Abuse and suicide is present in this update*
*OOC Levi present*

"If you leave this house to go to Jeager's, while I'm not here," The grey eyed man before her eyes stared into her eyes with a threatening glare that made every hair on her body stand on end, "I will not hesitate to drag you back here." He was burning a precious picture of her and her friends right before her (e/c) eyes as she looked at him with a single tear rolling down her bruised cheek.

Levi loved (F/n) so much so, that he had her kept at home for the majority of the time. She wasn't allowed to see her friends like Eren, Armin and Mikasa anymore, as the deranged man that she loves feared that they'd take her away. Levi would often show up to their home at random times, just to ensure she hadn't left without his permission.

It all started when (F/n) returned home late one snowy evening. She told Levi that she would be home at eight, and arrived home ten minutes later than her scheduled time. It resulted in a heated argument. As Levi grew angrier just as (F/n) did, she got a powerful slap to her face. The girl knew he had a possessive nature, but never thought that he would've taken it that far. These arguments and beatings became more frequent as time went on, to the point where (F/n) couldn't go anywhere without Levi knowing her exact location. 

But she loved him. No matter how many times he laid his hands on her, she loved him. It wasn't healthy and she knew it.

At present, (F/n) was lying at the end of her bed, blankly looking up at the bare ceiling. Levi gazed at a picture of his beautiful girlfriend. He examined the stunning (e/c) orbs that looked at the camera with a sparkle that was no longer existent in the eyes that looked at him everyday. But, they still held that love.

"Levi?" A weak gentle voice rang out. It showed months of tiredness and pain. Levi was listening yet kept his stare down.

"Can I ask for a favour?" There it was again, the weakness, "Please don't hurt my friends anymore. In return I'll stay with you forever." There was tears slipping out of her eyes and falling towards her temples.

He let the picture drop as he held his head low, remembering what Eren had growled at him, as Levi held him up after a brutal beating.

"How dare you take away her freedom! She won't be happy if she's stuck beside you for the rest of her life!"

The man sensed the deep breathing of his sleeping partner. He took hold of the picture once again and remembered when they had their first encounter.

"Hi! I'm (F/n)! Can ask for a favour?"

He let out a restrained sob as realisation finally hit him. He sat forward and grabbed onto the ebony locks that usually framed his pale face, and pulled.

As morning arrived, (F/n) awakened. She moved her sore body to the edge of the bed.

Dear (F/n)

Her feet touched the soft carpet that floored her room. She stood and made her way out to the hallway.

I'm sorry

She went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and had a shower.

I must give you your right to freedom. If I'm here then that can't happen.

After her shower, the girl went into the kitchen. As soon as she set foot into the room, her eyes widened.

I want to be your everything. I want to be your whole world.


But unfortunately you'll never find that with me.

Tears of sadness leaked out of the girl's eyes.

At least I had a go. But I ruined it.

She grabbed onto the male's cold body and hugged it tightly.

I'm truly sorry for hurting you. I do not deserve to be here.

(F/n) grabbed his deeply cut wrist, not caring about the blood that spread onto her hands.

Goodbye, (F/n).

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