8 : Secrets

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// h u n t e r //

"Well, this doesn't seem like a good idea." I huff, trying to kick the ball to the goal.

"I thought you said you were good at football? Show me." Brooke replies, walking over the goal to get the ball back to me. We returned to the park because there's a field there, it's only half the size of an actual soccer field but it's good enough for practice or just for fun.

"Yeah. But I'm not in the mood right now."

"Oh, c'mon, just a few moves." She suggests and kicks the ball to my direction. Surprisingly, the ball flew up high and landed further away from me.

"Whoa, how'd you do that?" I excitedly inquired. She can kick!

She was frozen, also surprised with what she just did. "I don't know, really. It just happened."

"I'm in the mood now." I nod at her and ran to retrieve the ball. "Are you interested in learning a few stuff about this? Because I can't play without another player."

She nodded, though I'm sure she hesitated at first. It was hard to teach her a few stuff, but I can see that she was enjoying. And at some point, I took off my shirt because I wouldn't want to get it all wet and sweaty. I'm not buff, but if you'd look closely I am actually developing some abs. Guess I should hit the gym more than once a week now. It was obvious that Brooke found it awkward but I didn't mention anything because I couldn't come up with a witty joke. It was distracting, how she bit her lip as she listened to me explain what I know about soccer. I don't think she understood most of it but I didn't mind because she seemed to be having fun.

After an hour or so, we decided to stop and sit on a bench. Being the good guy that I am, I bought bottled water for the both of us.

"That was some good exercise." She comments and chugs one third of the water.

"You know what else is a good exercise?" I raise my brows at her playfully to lighten up the mood.

"Please don't say sex."


She rolls her eyes at me but still laughs anyway. I shrug my shirt back on and pulled myself closer to her.

"I'm glad you had fun." I inched my face closer, getting ready to kiss her. But she widened her eyes and leaned back, leaving me very very embarrassed. Guess that didn't work.

"Sorry, Vanderpool. That doesn't work on me."

"Damn." I say. Why can't I score anything from her? Not even a kiss.

She gets her phone and stares at it for a while, tapping on a few buttons. "Well, I got to go. Don't worry, it's not because of what you just tried to do. It's just Angela and Erin are looking for me."

Angela and Erin? Mendel and Dever. I didn't know she was friends with them. Of course, I instantly know who she mentioned since those two are inseparable. If she changed one of those names I wouldn't know who Angela or Erin she's talking about. It could be Angela Florey, FRU's best swimmer, but she's always with Tracy Wiles. It could also be Angela Tadlock, a talented member of the university's choir, but that one's always with Olivia Hartwell —who is also a member of the choir. Now that I think of it, those Angelas are known at FRU for something and they all have their own personal sidekick. Angela Mendel, what is she known for? She's the hot easy to get chick, and I know this because we've done the deed before.

I think it wouldn't be good if Angela knew that I tried to get Brooke. She's probably going to say trash about me and that's going to ruin my chances of getting into Brooke's pants. "Hey, um, please don't tell anyone about what I tried to pull." God, I sounded weird.

"Sure." She giggles. "I don't usually tell the two about anything I do, really. They're too talkative."

I smiled in relief, that was good to hear. "Guess now we share a secret."

"If that's what you want to call it, then okay." She stands up and so I did.

I extended my hand out for her. "So, uh, friends?"

She takes my hand and shake it. "Friends."

I walked her outside the park and waited for her to get in a cab.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you..." Brooke starts off and turns to me. "Why Hunter? I mean, what's the story behind it?"

"Mom thought it was unique. It's also a combination of their names. Hugh and Teresa, they just added an 'N' in the middle." I answer. At first I thought she was going to ask something I couldn't answer to, but I'm kind of glad she asked that. It's the first time I've ever been asked about my name. "How about you? Why prefer being called Brooke, your first name is Anne, right?"

"I thought Anne was boring. Brooklyn sounded better, but I thought it should be shortened, too. You know what? I also disliked my last name. It's so common, don't you think? You have such a unique name, Hunter Vanderpool."

I smiled at her in response to her comment. She's the first one to say something like that, I'm happy about it.

Once she was got in a cab, I walked home and tried figuring out ways to get Brooke. Unlike Angela, she seemed to be so hard to get. I remember Susan McCoy, my ex-girlfriend who lost her virginity to me. She was honestly so hard to get that I had to court her first and date her. I wasn't the type to go out on dates and be called "boyfriend", but my friends and I had a bet that time and I really had to pursue her. If I really can't get Brooke, then I will stop. But my guts seem to tell me that I can get her. I mean, who knows? Maybe she'll give in some time.

Sorry for the short and late update! Thank you so much for 2k reads. The next chapter will probably be posted sooner because I seem to be getting in the mood with typing down this story, I'm eager for you all to know more about Hunter and Brooke. So stay tuned! Lastly, do me a favor and leave a comment? I don't think I've read any yet. :c

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