1 : Unintentionally Getting In Trouble

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// h u n t e r //

As I entered the crowded hallways, people gave me weird looks but made a path for me as if I am a king. I smirked and made my way to my locker. As I walked past the sea of people, I heard different kinds of comments they had for me.

"He's really attractive, too bad he's a womanizer." I hear a female voice whisper.

"He's so arrogant." A dickhead said. He's probably just envious because he can't ever bang eight girls and look as good as I am.

Most of them considered me a heart throb in our university. I am actually a bit popular. My popularity started to rise when someone said I got STD, but one of my good friends found out who started that rumor and made him take it back. Of course, he wouldn't do it at first. But since that good friend of mine is probably the best hacker in the world, he got the guy's nudes and we used it for black mail. He took back what he said and claimed that it was only a joke he didn't expect to actually spread, making my name clean again(but probably still with a few stains).

"I heard he's good in bed." I heard someone whisper. I looked at her direction and noticed that she was a cheerleader, whose sex life was probably not good considering she just said that. Her outfit gave it away, she was wearing the blue and white cheerleader uniform. I sent her a wink and she blushed. She's actually pretty and she obviously wants me.

I still find it intriguing whenever they talk about the rumors they've heard about me. I mean, I once heard that someone is spreading word about me getting someone pregnant and I just laughed.

I stopped in my tracks when I realized that I had just walked past my locker. Too much for eavesdropping on other people's conversations. I took a few steps backward and faced my locker. I entered the code on the lock but it didn't open. I banged several times on it before it opened. A few of the many shit I keep in my locker fell to the floor, but I decided to pick them up later after I get the notebook that I'm looking for. I saw it and pulled it out. I was just about to flip through the pages to make sure it was the notebook that I was looking for, when someone cleared their throat behind me and faked a cough.

"Would you mind picking up your things, Mr. Vanderpool?" I heard someone say behind me.

I looked down to know what where those that fell out of my locker and why this guy sounds like he wants me to do it quickly.

"Oh shit." I whispered to myself when I saw a few adult magazines scattered on the floor. I forgot I kept them here. Tough luck, the magazine on the center opened to a page where you'll find a condom pack. How did that even get there? Oh fuck, was that what I considered a bookmark? Damn it. I bent down and started to pick them up before somebody else sees.

"Keep those, or  much better throw them away, and I'll see you in detention after your last subject."


// b r o o k e //

"I downloaded something new on my phone. We can watch it later." Angela says, with a grin etched across her face.

"Five minutes left, Erin. You can do it!" Erin whispered to herself as she stared at the clock. She was clutching onto her abdomen with both hands.

"Erin, what's your problem?" I asked her in a low voice. We weren't supposed to talk during classes but our professor had his back facing us and was busy writing something on the huge chalk board.

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