6 : Prank Call

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// b r o o k e //

"Oh, and did I mention that he had the most beautiful eyes?" Erin gushes about her one night stand.

"Yes, Erin. You've said that more than thrice now." I deadpanned. She's been repeating it over and over and it was starting to get annoying.

"He's got nothing on the guy I was with last night." Anj butts in. "He was literally perfect! Like, seriously, every inch of him is a masterpiece. He had a huge-"

I seriously didn't have to hear that. These two have been sharing too much unnecessary gory details to me. Do they even plan on shutting up? It's too early for a Saturday morning. The condoms they gave me were already thrown in my trash bin, I've got nothing to do with it anyway. I still can't believe they took the "punishment" seriously.

"We also exchanged numbers." Erin squeals once again and jumped up and down in my living room. Oh God, when will they stop?

"No way! We did, too!" Angela yells and runs up to Erin, jumping with her. And that is why I still think that they really need a psychiatrist

"Booty call!" They exclaim at the same time. The hell? I stood up from where I was sitting and broke the two up before they do or say something really weird again. They disgust me sometimes. I don't remember how I even managed to stay friends with them.

When the two finally stopped talking about how their one night stands went, we decided to stay in and watch movies in my laptop. I was so entertained with the rom-com movie we're watching until Angela paused the movie without warning.

"Wait. I remembered something." She says, holding an index finger up. What could her problem be now? I swear if she's going to say something about her one night stand again, I just might kick her out. "You were with a guy last night at the bar. I saw it." She suddenly showed off her devilish grin. How malicious.

"Oh, my my!" Erin reacts. "Does that mean that your V-card has expired?"

Why do they have to think that way? Their mind is always filled with lust and kinky stuff. Sometimes they're funny, most of the time they're not.

"What the fuck. Nothing happened between us, I swear!"

"But I saw-" Anj starts but I knew I had to cut her off.

"He was drunk! He forced me to dance with him. I refused, but still, he forcefully dragged me to the dance floor and even squeezed my ass." I exclaim and the two were silenced. Probably thinking of a reply.

"You should've went for it." Anj shrugs and sat up. "I noticed he was actually cute, tall and-"

"Just because he's cute doesn't mean I should've went for it." At this point, I know I'm serious. I just don't know about these two because their brains are wild. "I want to lose my virginity to someone I love and-"

"Ew!" They say at the same time making me widen my eyes at them.

"Stop being sappy!" Erin snickers. "Let's just continue the movie, shall we?"

The thought of Erin and Angela not ever going to have sex with someone they love bothered me for a while. I decided to shake it off. After two more movies, the two left and I am all alone once again. It's almost 5 in the afternoon and tomorrow is Sunday and I don't have any plans. Maybe I should stay at home or maybe go shopping. Next week I'll probably visit my parents because I miss them. Better text, or maybe call my two older brothers so that they will be there, too. Hope they're not busy at work.

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