Chapter 5

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*Rachel's POV*

It is currently 8pm on a Friday night, and I am sitting, alone may I add, in my room watching Netflix. I mean it's not like I go out to parties every Friday, but this was kind of depressing. What 17 year old spends her Friday night alone?

Originally I was supposed to go to the mall and get a dress for the dinner we have to go to on Tuesday, but I'm too lazy to get up. Oh yeah, my dad changed the date for the dinner, thank god because I completely forgot about it and would've had nothing to wear.

It has been three days since I babysat Isabella, and three days since I last talked to Blake. Somewhere deep inside me I feel like he is just waiting for the perfect moment to attack me. Like when it's the middle of the night and I'm all alone... like right now.

He showed up to school on Wednesday, but that was really the last time I actually saw him. He didn't bother speaking to me, didn't even look at me. Yesterday he skipped, along with today. That kind of sucked though because we did a project in chemistry today and I had to work alone. Not that he would be much help, but at least I could get him yelled at for not participating.

The boys are at a party, probably getting drunk off their asses as per usually. Thankfully Nate isn't at the party and he's staying at one of friends house. And last but not least, where do you think my dad is? Oh you guessed it, business trip until Sunday!

Usually when I get the house to myself, which is probably once every two months, I try to invite my friends over so I'm not alone. Although it's a three day weekend so most of them are visiting family out of state.

The second I got up to grab my remote to change the movie, the doorbell rang. Oh damn, the pizza is here! Finally, it's been like 10 minutes since I ordered it. Alright, I guess you could say I am a little impatient, but I am also a growing teenager! When I'm hungry I need food in me immediately, not 10 or 20 minutes later.

Cold air flooded my house for the 49 seconds I had the door open. What the hell? It's literally summer right now so why the hell is it cold out? It doesn't mater if it's night time, it's still summer.

"The total is $15.47." Are you kidding me, for one pizza? Don't they know I'm a broke high school student with no job?

"Keep the change." I grabbed a twenty from my wallet and handed it to him anyway. It's rude not to tip. If I was working and I didn't get a tip, I would make sure to spit in their food the next time they order.

The heat from my pizza box burned my hand as I stood in front of my stairs for a couple minutes. Do I really feel like climbing all those steps to my bedroom? Nah, the couch is good enough.

My glob of a body fell down on the couch, not harming the pizza at all, when the doorbell went off again. Now who the hell could be here at this time of hour? I didn't order two pizzas this time so it's not like the guy came back to give me another one.

My feet patted against the bare hardwood when one of them caught on something. The dog let out a loud cry and immediately jumped up into my arms. Oh boy is he getting heavy.

If I'm being honest, sometimes I completely forget about him. He's just so silent most of the time that you don't even realize he is there. Plus the boys feed him in the morning and after school so I don't really do anything with him besides maybe walking him on occasion.

Haha what am I saying? On occasion? We've had him for what, like a week? Once my lazy ass hits the couch, it doesn't come off unless it's for food.

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