Chapter 47

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not edited

*Rachel's POV*

My eyes ached to close due to the bright sun rising, but I managed to keep them open. I have no idea how I let myself get so out of shape over the last couple months. It's not like I've been sitting on my ass all day every day, I have practice at least three times a week for a couple hours. I used to be able to run two or three miles with no problem, which isn't much compared to other people, but I'm halfway through my second and I want to die.

I started to slow down at the end of the side walk and rested my hands on my knees so I could catch my breath. Maybe I can hitch a ride back to my apartment from one of the students who take early classes.

A tan arm covered in dark hair popped up in my line of vision, offering me help to get up. I didn't even notice I was sitting on the ground. He wrapped his hand around mine and yanked me up off the ground.

"What are you doing up so early?" 

Eating ice cream.

I bit my tongue to refrain myself from saying something rude or sarcastic. Anyone with two eyes can clearly what I'm doing. "Just getting in a run before class."

My first class is at noon, I'm just hoping he doesn't know that. I started running again, hoping he would catch on to my hint and leave me alone, but he didn't.

"Are you okay? I haven't really heard from you lately." He jogged next to me, his elbow bumped into me every once in a while from the lack of space between us.

I nodded my head 'yes'. "I've just been busy lately."

"Oh okay, maybe we can grab something to eat-"

I stopped running and wiped the sweat off my head with my t-shirt. "Listen Jimmy, I'm just going to be honest. Things are complicated right now-"

He butt in before I could finish talking "With Blake?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose between my pointer finger and thumb. My throat burned as I took a deep breath in; he's right, it's complicated with Blake, but I wish everyone would stop assuming that everything in my life revolves around him.

"It's not just with Blake, it's with school and volleyball and every other little thing I have to deal with." He stared down at me like a sad puppy. "You're sweet and cute, and I'll admit I have a little crush on you, but I don't have time to deal with anything else."

He slowly nodded his head, the sad expression soon vanished and was replaced with a smile. He formed his hand into a fist and pushed it toward me, waiting for me to fist bump him. "Friends?"

Well he took that a lot better than I thought.

I slammed my knuckles against his and continued to run back towards my apartment building. My ankles started to ache halfway back, all I wanted to do was slow down, but he kept going so I kept going with him.

The second our building started to appear, I ran even faster so I could lay down faster. I dropped to the ground and laid in front of the main door as he fished for his ID card. If my father could see me, he would whoop me for laying on the dirty ground.

He opened the door and waited for me before letting it shut. We walked in silence up the first flight of stairs. I turned around to say goodbye and found him already staring at me.

"If things don't work out with this Blake guy, you know where I live." He waved goodbye and disappeared behind the door leading to his floor.

I shouldn't have told him I have a crush on him. Technically I'm not lying, but it's not the complete truth; I did have a crush on him. He's hot and sweet, I wasn't lying when I said that, I just feel nothing between us.

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