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My heart is beating rapidly...
My legs are trembling with fear...
My mind is racing with all the things that could happen right at this very moment...

"There!" I yell-whisper," The Dumpster!"
I breath a sigh of relief, pointing towards the huge dumpster in the corner, at least there's some hope now.. All we have to do is hide in it.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no" Harper waves her hands taking a few steps back,"I am so not going in that thing"
She wrinkles her nose in disgust.

"Suit yourself." I waves her off climbing up the dumpster and sitting on the edge.
"Skylar Benjamin Mortez, you come back here, right this instance!"She stomps her foot.

"As if I'm gonna listen to you." I roll my eyes, then look inside the dumpster, it smells awful, and i feel like puking but there's no other choice.
I look over at harper,"Are ya coming or not?"
"Fine!" She murmurs, and kicks at the wall once before rushing over to me.

I'm about to jump in when I suddenly there's a clicking sound and the ground shakes.
Both of us are frozen at our places.
My first thought is that it must be an earthquake, but I'm proven wrong when i hear another click and I look up to see a section of the wall turning sideways.

"Woah!" I stare in awe as a passage opens up. Its like there was a secret door over here.

I jump back down from the dumpster, and a tingling shock passes through my body.
"Nice job." I turn to harper," Now C'mon"
I push her, sending her out of her daze.

"Are you sure?" She raises her eyebrows, questioningly.
"Definitely."I look over at the secret entrance and grin.

Both of us run over and Harper quickly goes in,
"It's dark!" She yells from inside.
I fight the urge to roll my eyes at her silliness.

This is it, its now or never.
I can already hear the loud running footsteps, its gonna be seconds before they reach this place.
Smiling I look back one last time and before I'm able to take a step, i feel a hand grip my wrist from behind.

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