//Chapter 5//

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//Logan Lerman as Chance Lawrence/Jones ..
Picture to the side or top//

~3 years earlier~

I pick up my lunch tray and walk over to the the table in the corner. I sit there alone, just like everyday. I look at the people who pass by, no body noticing me sitting there. That was okay, I didn't like being noticed either. I liked to be the invisible girl.

Here in our school, no body talked to each other that much, at the most it was just 'Hello's and 'Hi's . there were just one or two people who talked a little sometimes. Yeah, I used to eavesdrop.

I looked down at my lunch tray, the food was untouched. I didn't feel like eating anything. The past few days have been driving me crazy. I've been felling like something's wrong. I feel like I don't belong in this place.

I was so lost in my thoughts, staring at my food, that I didn't notice a person come towards me and stand in front of me.
"Hello?" A voice spoke, a boys voice. I looked up to see a black haired boy, with blue eyes like of the ocean, probably a year or two older than me, leaning against the table and giving me a sly smile.
He had his hands tucked into the pockets of his blue jeans.

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