//Chapter 7//

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A gasp escapes my mouth as the shuriken in my hand drops to the ground making a thudding sound in the deathly silence.

I take a step backwards,
Then another.
My eyes are wide.
The scene in front of me is horrible.

I sense Chance coming towards me, and he peeks inside the closet.
He as the same reaction, as he takes steps backwards.

"Who could even do this?" I say in a hushed tone.
A body of a child, a girl, maybe four? Lies in the closet, her face smeared with blood, her clothes torn, her eyes open.
It was terrible, she was dead.
She was killed by someone.

I shake my head, turning my gaze away. This will forever haunt me in my dreams. I have never, ever, seen something so horrific.
"Unbelievable," those are the only words spoken by Chance.
He moves forward, towards the closet, and examines the area.
Woah, wasn't he creeped out already? Standing close to that body, I may have fainted.

A minute later Chance holds a black box, which is opened. I can see more than about a dozen of injections filled with grey liquid which is almost glowing.
In Chance's hand I see two more injections, oddly different from the others.
There's a deep blue liquid present in it, which is also glowing.

"You have to see this," he hands an injection with the blue liquid over to me,"the label says 'cure' which means... That the grey ones probably contain a disease, there are six more boxes in there.
The box also says 'highly contagious'."

I look at the injection and sure enough there's 'cure', which is almost visible, written with a black marker on it.
I shake my head.
How could we be looking at this whole there's a dead body of a four year old in the room!?

"What about that..." I trail off, pointing towards the closet.
I hear him sigh,"I don't know, whoever did that..." He shakes his head,"this is wrong, all of this feels so wrong. We have to tell someone."

"But.." I was just not ready to tell someone about this, what if they think we did this? What would we say if they asked us what we were doing here? And most of all Chance was going to get into deep trouble if they know he broke the rules. Both of us may never see each other again.
"Let's not tell anyone right now, okay?"

He shrugs. "Let's go then, right now"
I couldn't agree more, I just wanted to be as far as I can be from this room.

Suddenly something just clucks in my mind,
"Did the keepers tell u that we were going to have tests the day after tomorrow?"
"Uh yeah."
"What if... What if they use this..." I point towards the bundle of injections.

Chance seems to get my point and he shakes his head.
"Amy, I don't know...."
"Of course you know!"By this time I am practically fuming with anger,"They are going to inject us!
They are going to disease us!" I say with pure disgust for the keepers.

Chance seems to think about this for a few seconds then takes out the blue liquid injections again.
"Then its better to be safe... Roll up your sleeve." He commands.

"Huh?" I ask, clearly confused, but I do as he tells. It's second before I fell the needle prick and there's an itching pain, as I feel the liquid enter my blood stream.

"Do the same with me" he says, handing over the other injection to me. To be honest I have never done something like this. What if I accidentally do it the wrong way?
"Just do it already."
"Okay okay." I say before I inject him with the injection.

"If they try to disease us now.. Then we won't be infected." He speaks and I nod at this.
"Noe let's get outta here, I can't stay in this room much longer, put that back" I point to the box of injections."and close the closet..
And for now, we don't tell anyone about this, okay?"

He just hums in response, and does as I tell. I go over to the door and twist the door knob to open it, but it doesn't.. The door doesn't open.

I internally groan in frustration.
Then I try again,
and again.
Once more.

"Open the door already" well during the time I have spent with Chance, I've discovered that he has no patience. Nuh uh, not at all.
"I'm trying..."

"Let me.." He waves me to the side and tries it himself. The door doesn't budge. He tries it several more times, also banging the door, before sighing in frustration. He mutters a few curses under his breath before turning to me,
"Its locked."

"What!?" I almost shriek.
"I don't freaking know how this happened." He speaks.
I groan. Damn could this day get any worse?

My question was answered as the door knob twisted from the outside.
There was a click before the door opened wide, revealing the one and only.

Stephanie was standing outside,her face holding a confused expression.
I internally groaned once again.
God, kill me now.


Eep the chapter is done!
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