//Chapter 1//

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//Hailee Stenfeild as Amanda Jones .. Picture to the side or top//

.. Beep ... Beep ...

I groan and turn sideways, pulling out my hand from beneath the sheets and clicking the alarm clock off. I pull the sheets back over my head and go back to sleep.

knock ... knock ... knock ...

"Who is it!?" I almost scream out, what is it with everyone and everything trying to disturb me when I'm sleeping?

"School.." is the only word spoken from outside before I hear footsteps fading away in a distance.

I groan in frustration, throwing the almost black sheets off me. I jump out of bed, walking up to my closet and picking out a new set of black clothes. if you're wondering then no, I do not like the color black, its just that all people are forced to wear and have everything that is black or almost black. I don't even know what other colors look like. I've just got this jacket which is supposed to be called blue, which I found in the dump. It may seem gross but I cleaned it up and it has been one my favorites things I have, although it did take a lot of convincing with the keepers to let me keep it.

changing into my clothes, I then take out my black shoes and gloves, which I had cut from the space where you put your fingers. What? I thought it looked cool. I tie up my jacket around my waist and tie my black hair into a pony tail.

I check myself one more time in front of the mirror, before I hear another knock on the door.

" I'm coming, just give me a minute for gods sake!" I scream out, before rushing over to my bed and lifting the mattress. A small notepad with the pencil lays there. I pick it up and put it in the back pocket of my pants, extending my shirt over it so that no one sees it.

I swing the door open and a group of people walk past my room. I quickly join them, considering its the group I'm in. As soon as I spot Stephanie I go over to her and walk sides besides her. she is the only person id actually be glad to call my friend, because she's the only person who accepted me for who I am.

"G'morin" I speak up.

" good morning to you too" she replies still reading the book in her hands.

" you might bump into some one like that" I point out.

" I wont"

"ookay" I stretch the word, looking around.

" sooo, how was the night?" I pipe in again. I mean come on, who doesn't like irritating their friend?

"the usual"

"oh!... Any dreams bout me?" I ask raising my eyebrows playfully.

" I did actually!" she closes her book in frustration, and glares at me,"I dreamt about you being thrown at a lake by miss Ivana". i roll my eyes at her lame attempt at making a joke. After a few seconds of walking in silence, I clasp my hands together at my back, swing my body side to side.

the group suddenly came to a halt, stooped in front of the huge doors, and before I could stop I bumped in the person in front of me. "watch it" the person snaps, turning around and glaring at me. " whatever" I mumble and rub my nose.

There's a click and the huge doors open up, revealing a women who holds a stick in her hand. Miss Ivana, she looks the Usual, like she's going to beat the shit out of somebody.

" Good morning Miss Ivana" we all speak in a monotone voice.

 "In!" she points inside the great hall, and the group starts walking again. I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes. Welcome to another day of School ...


Yes I know the chapter is short but ill try to make longer ones!

hope you enjoyed reading this and id love if u leave a vote and comment too!!!

P.S this chapter is dedicated to AlafBelle because she's just amazing and I'm really glad that you actually like my books!

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