//Chapter 4//

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I lightly swing the door of the library, the door making weird creaking noises. the librarian looks up from the book she was reading, her spectacles almost reaching the end of her nose.

"yes?" she asks, in a strict and serious voice. her voices echoes in the silence.

"I was wondering if I could ask some questions?" I stand up straight, then walk up to her.

"like..?" she raises one of her eyebrows.

"its a history question.." I speak up quickly, "for an assignment." I finish the sentence, tucking some loose strands of hair behind my ear. I tried giving my most innocent look, so that somehow I could get what I'm looking for.

"go on.." she says, going back to reading her book, she probably thought I was harmless.

"I heard about a rumor that there was this man.." I start off, but the librarian was barely even listening to me." tried to escape the society.. is it true?"

that got her attention and she quite suddenly looked at me with suspicion clear in her eyes.

"what does this have to do with history if I may ask?"

"its part of the assignment, I do need to get grades don't I? so why not take the information from someone who has read all the books ever written." I fake smile and clasp my hands behind my back.

she looks at me for a while, staring at me like I was someone very vicious. she shakes her head, coming out her daze," I don't have much to tell, but you may find something useful in the third shelf on the right. the book is titled 'warning', page 59, and good luck on that assignment." then goes back to reading.

" thank you!" I force a huge smile, and nod.

As soon as I turn my back on her a breath out a sigh of relief. it really is hard trying to be nice to people. I am not really not the friendly type. trust me.

I walk over to the shelf, and it takes time to finally find that book. its a thin black book with 'WARNING' written in big bold letters, in a light shade of grey. I quickly pull it out, eager to open it. I then pull out a chair from the nearest table, settling the book in my lap and start flipping through the pages of the book.

page 59. I remember. I flip through a couple of more pages.

55 .. 56 .. 57 .. 58 ..

here it comes. I grin, but as soon as I flip the page I see that its labelled 60.

what!? Is this a joke!? are the first thoughts that race into my mind. there was supposed to be a freaking page 59. I shut the book and groan in frustration. but that's when it clicks me. I open up the book again and look at the index.

Bingo! there it was. page 59. I let out a small squeak and the librarian shushes me.

with the page number, on the side the title was given 'Xander Smith-punished for trying to escape'. I guessed that they didn't get any information regarding him so they skipped the page. at least now I knew the name of the person. this was just one step closer to my plan being successful.

I went back to exploring and found another book named 'PUNISHMENTS'. I know .. typical keepers. they couldn't think of better names for books could they? rolling my eyes I open up the book to the page on which Xander Smith's name is titled. A short article was written below, it said,

"Xander Smith, an incredible genius and only 15 years old, had been a very famous kid amongst his friends and teachers. he was thought to be a very successful man when he grew up. But what no one knew was that Xander had been planning on escaping from the very beginning. he was caught trying to bribe a security guard to help him escape. a very foolish thing to do. as soon as the keepers were reported about this, they arranged something that not only will teach Xander but every person a lesson. the 15-year old boy was skinned and his body was left to rot. it is still in the society museum, so that it keeps reminding people of what lies ahead if they ever made a mistake like that."

I let out a gasp. it was shocking, it was terrible. did these people have anything called mercy? I flipped through a couple of more pages but couldn't find anything else related to Xander.

fury took over all my emotions as I stood up. I was going to do this and nothing could change my mind. I wasn't doing this just for me, I was also doing this for Xander. I had to finish what he started.

As I walk out the library I feel a lot more confident than before, but a minute hadn't even passed when I bumped into someone. again. rubbing my nose, I look up to find a glaring Miss Ivana.

ughh. here it goes.

" Amanda Jones..." she speaks in a menacing voice," may I ask where you have been for the past four periods?" her eyes bore into mine, but I don't dare turn away from her. she taps the stick against her hand, impatiently, as I try to think of an excuse.

" well, I wasn't actually feeling well..." I murmur.

"Nonsense!" She yells, as I flinch, god I just hope my ears don't go deaf because of her piercing voice.

" you know that ... blah blah blah .." she starts and its not that I was actually going to listen to another one of her lectures. she grips my wrist tightly, bringing me out of my daze and im able to catch the last words that leave her mouth.

"This is your last chance Amanda, if this ever happens again you will regret it." she snaps and half drags me over to the next class.

yeah you'll skin me to death and of course you'll enjoy it, I think, as I roll my eyes. I really wasn't in the mood to study at all.

she glares one last time and storms away, leaving me right in front of the door. I sigh, and as im about to turn the door knob I feel a hand on my shoulder. I think that its probably Miss Ivana or maybe even Steph.. here to apologize I guess? but I didn't think that she would do that.

I turn around and it was none of the people I though it would be. the books drop from my hand, my jaw drops open and I let out a gasp that is barely even audible.



I updated at last! *smiles*

well I hope u liked the chapter! leave a vote n comment on ur way and bring a smile on my face! XD

any who I wanted to ask this favour that I wanted u guys to checkout 'destiny' too! the first few chapters may be pathetic but I promise it gets better and exciting!!!! hope u check it out! :)

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