//Chapter 9//

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"That's your plan?" Chance says tiredly, after listening to what I said.

"You got a better one genius?" I narrow my eyes at him.
"actually.. I do."

"and that is..?"

"look, your plan is to sneak out, which will obviously fail." I glare at him, when he says that. " what I'm saying is that we gotta wake up at 5 a.m. for the tests right? after the tests are done, I want you to sneak out and meet me in the weaponry room. I'll tell you what to do then."

"okay." though I was still confused. did he even have a plan?

"see ya tomorrow?" chance stands up.

I open my mouth to say 'sure' when I'm interrupted by someone's coughing. I look up to see a boy with deep brown hazel eyes and brown hair staring at chance.

"you're not from here are you?" he says, and something inside me tells me that something's wrong.

"what makes you say so?" chance narrows his eyes at him.

"I don't know." he shrugs, "but.."

I quickly stand up, cutting him off," you better go to your next class or you'll be late." I stare at Chance and hope he doesn't say anything.

"yeah okay." he waves and disappears in the crowd that's leaving the cafeteria. 

I sigh, before turning around, only to meet with the same pair of hazel brown eyes, starring at me.

"what?" I say, trying to act casual.

"nothing." he looks at me once more before turning and walking away.


-The Next Morning-


Today was the day. the day I would finally escape this hell hole.

The terrible sound of the bell is deafening to my ears. I stand up and get dressed, then check my watch. yep. it was 5 a.m.

I join the group of students walking down the hallway as I get out of my room.

students of all years walked in different groups, according to their years. chance is probably gonna get free from the tests before me, as he is a year ahead of me.

about a minute later, all of us stand outside a room, which is in the far corner of the hallway. I kept waiting for my name to be called out. today is going to be a long day. I am already tired because of the lack of sleep last night, and now this was making me even more frustrated and tired.

after what seemed like forever, which was  actually 2 hours, my name was called out.

I enter the room, it was dark, like seriously, really dark, the spooky kind of dark. only one light shone on a desk in the middle of the room. the room isn't big, it is actually really small. it looks like only two single beds can fit in the room. besides the desk, a woman, with short black hair, is sitting in a chair. another chair lies besides her. it is oddly different from the one on which the woman is sitting.

the woman holds a pencil in her hand and scribbles something on the paper in front of her. she doesn't notice me enter the room. besides the paper, I see a brown cardboard box. maybe that's where they have their injections.

"sit over here." the woman instructs as soon as she sees me, pointing towards the chair besides her and sliding the paper in the drawer of her desk. I do as I am told.

"my names grace." she introduces herself,"  I'll ask you some questions which you will then answer."

"yeah sure." I try to sound as calm as I can.

"look at these." she hands me three photographs," tell me if you recognize any of these people."

the first photograph is of a brown haired man, streaks of white hair were visible on his hair, he looks like in his mid-forties. but he doesn't seem like anyone I had ever seen.

The next photograph is of a woman's. her beautiful black her falls in waves around her shoulders, she smiles widely in the picture and she seems oddly familiar to me.

I turn on to the last photograph, and I am surprised to see the person on it. I knew that person very well. I try not to show the surprised look on my face. it is the same black haired boy, with sea blue eyes. Chance.

I give the photographs back to Grace, "no, I don't recognize anyone." I say monotonously.

"okay." she simply says before taking the photographs and putting them in the drawer. she leans back in her chair and stares at me for a moment, then sits up straight again and hands me over the glass resting on the table. it looks full of, what seems like orange juice.

"have this." she says.

"huh?" I look at her in confusion.

"just drink it."

I stare at the juice for a moment. it seems totally normal. why is she giving this to me?

putting all my thoughts aside, I drink the juice. I feel a burning sensation in my throat. it doesn't taste like orange juice, it tastes even better.

Only a few seconds pass by when I suddenly fell like my heads spinning. My grip on the glass loosens and the glass drops to the ground, shattering into tiny pieces. it suddenly feels like there is something my head. I put both my hands to the sides of my head and squeeze my eyes shut. it feels like my head is going to explode any second.

in a moment, I feel like everything stops. then suddenly my body goes limp, and when I open my eyes, all I can see is darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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