//Chapter 8//

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"Amanda? What are you doing here?" Stephanie takes a few steps back and looks at both of us."And who's that?" Pointing towards Chance.

'None of your business." I snap.
Who was she to ask me anything now. I thought that she had made it clear that she hadn't wanted to talk to me.

"Look Amanda, I've said sorry so many times, I-"

"Don't." I cut her off,"talk to me. You're no one to me, not anymore."
I know that hit Stephanie.
The hurtful expression on her face said it all,
But I have had enough of all this crappy stuff.

"Fine." She snapped, as she turned, walking way.
I watch her go away and a few seconds later I sigh in relief.

"Whew." I breathed out.

"What was that?" I turn my head to see Chance looking at me weirdly.
I had almost forgotten that he was there.
"Long story short. Best friends broke up." I say calmly. In return Chance just shrugs.

"Anyways, I guess I better be going then."

"Yeah, okay..." I say awkwardly. I didn't know what to do or say next.
Do you hug your brothers goodbye or do you just say it?
He is my brother after all, so why is this so awkward?

"Bye." He does a little wave with his hand, and smiles.
"Bye." I smile back,"Meet ya tomorrow?Cafeteria, Same time?"

I was expecting a 'no' or maybe 'it wouldn't be so easy'
But instead a grin spread on Chance's face.
And with that he walked away, leaving me alone in the hallway with a thousand questions roaming in my mind.


Beep ... Beep ... Beep ...

"Ughhh" I groan, and bury my head in my pillow.

As if on cue, the knocking starts.

"I'm COMING!" I scream in frustration. These people are always after me and my beauty sleep.

I kick the sheets off me and drag myself off my bed, then walk to the bathroom.
Looking at myself in the mirror, only one thing comes up in my mind.


I look like a freaking Gorilla.

My hair is everywhere. God knows how I slept last night.
Dark circles are permanent beneath my eyes.

I silently groan in frustration, rubbing my eyes.
I am exhausted.
Last night I didn't get much sleep, because u kept thing about one thing and one thing only.

What were the keepers planning to do with us?

Should I warn anyone?
Nah, they won't believe me.

I brush my teeth, comb my hair, change into my usual clothes, tying the same old blue jacket around my waist, and wearing the tight black gloves, and the black boots.

I decide to leave my hair open, instead of tying it into a ponytail lie always.
My hair fell in waves, till my waist.
I definitely needed a haircut soon.

I sigh as I pull out my notebook.
I didn't take any step towards my plan. Stephanie and Chance had become a distraction yesterday.
If I wanted to escape then I didn't have much time left.

The bell rung. Its horrible screeching noise almost wants me to pull my ears off.
I push the rooms door wide open, and join the group, marching towards class.

A few moments later, I'm rushing over to my locker, taking out my books, and heading off to class.

Half of the day passes by in a blur.
It is a normal school day with a normal routine until I enter the cafeteria. I look around and my eyes land on one person in particular.
He was leaning in his chair, which was besides the table in the far corner of the cafeteria.

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