chapter 5

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Katies P.O.V

All of us stood in front of professor Moreno's desk in her office, she did nothing but stare at us which was kind of wierd."why is it that everytime I find something suspicious in the school it's allways the four of you." "Trust me professor I have been asking myself that question for years." Michele confessed laughing a bit " girls you are now eighteen years old you are not kids anymore." Clare raised her hand but professor already answered her question "yes miss Verdi I know you are just seventeen but you are also not a child anymore. Now." She walked closer towards us " tell me why you went to the forest of dark." All eyes turned towards me considering it was my idea "wha-" "miss barberie." She crossed her arms in front of her chest "professor first  I think you should know that zoey is a shadow dweller." Her eyes widened and her eyebrows met in a cross " zoey is this true?" "Yes professor. " " and second we went to arachneia for help but-" I was about to tell her about the vision I saw in the weird purple water "but what?" "But she threw us out of the forest." I could see professor's eyes narrowing at me "alright you may go, and go means go to sleep. You will need it after all you have a class with mr todds in the morning." She smiled making us laugh.

Zoeys P.O.V

"Good morning class." Mr Todds said while all of us stood outside in the middle of nowhere looking bored exept for Katie, she really liked professor Todds and ofcourse the lesson he tought, games and how to control animals which Katie had been doing since she could remember, she is the biggest tomboy I have ever met. "Alright now the lesson for today is how to take control over a griffen, now all of you know that griffins are very loyal creatures and get offended very easily if you were paying attention in class." A Griffin is kind of like backside lion with a horse's tail and frontside is a hawk and eagle with wings. "Okay now who would like to give a try to fly." The first one to step up immediately was Katie. "Well done my dear, please come forth." Kaitie had a cheeky smirk a cross her face and she was wearing her least favourite color, pink, but it was only on her shoulders, the rest of the tracksuit was black(picture)."now hold your hand out and wait for the Griffin to touch its head on your Palm. If he doesnt put his head on your palm,well then best of luck." Katie put her Palm out towards the Griffin and the Griffin growled and screamed but Katie held her ground slowly it came towards her and touch its forehead against her Palm. "Well done my dear well done! Now this Griffin will obey you and you only." "Ceasar." She said suddenly petting the Griffin's head "I'm sorry my dear what was that?" "His name is Caesar." "How do you know that?" She turned towards professor Todd's "he told me." Professor got a big smile upon his face "your bond with him is even stronger than I expected." He picked her up and made her sit on the griffins back "hey wha-" before she could say anything professor hit the Griffin's backside and he got ready for take off.

Katie's P.O.V

It was the most amazing experience of my life. I was flying a Griffin! He took me to places I had never dreamed of, both of us landed in Ireland looking at the breathtaking sunset "well ceasar looks like we are  going to get along very well." I patted his neck as he yawned and put his head on my lap. BEST PET EVER! After some time ceasar flew me back to the school to my rooms varanda. "Night boy I'll call you whenever I need you." I said as he flew away. I walked into my room and found Clare sleeping on my chair and Michele and zoey sleeping on my bed I looked at the time,3:56,wow. I changed into my pjs and went to sleep on top of Michele and zoey.                
I woke up with the three of them staring down at me "m-morning.""where were you we were worried sick!" Michele yelled "guys chill down I was with ceasar he took me to Ireland." "Anyway there's a new guy coming today so it will be announced what house he is going to during breakfast which is in five minutes!" Clare said yelling.We quickly got dressed and ran downstairs thankfully we wernt so late everyone had just sat down
"Hi." I heard a guy's voice behind me, I turned and saw a really tall guy with blonde hair and green eyes "um hi do I know you?" "No." Before I could say anything we were made to sit down. "Alright now as most of you know there is a new student joining us." Professor Moreno nodded at some boy, I was surprised to see that the guy who got up was the same guy I met earlier, he walked to professor Moreno, she closed her eyes and a white mist appeared at his feet slowly covering his body, that's how we get chosen to what house we will go into, the mist simply checks your personality and sees how your mind works first time it happened to me I screamed so loud professor Moreno had to tape up my mouth. After some time the mist disappeared, professor Moreno opened her eyes " I give to you Christopher holgate of yule!" Everyone from yule and other houses cheered and hooted but I just smiled and clapped.
Wait, Christopher holgate?holgate? Harry holgates brother!

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