chapter 8

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Michele's P.O.V

We ran around the place while zoey lay in bed with her eyes shut and boiling like fire. I bent to put a cold wet cloth on her forehead but suddenly moved away "aahh! She's too hot." "Give it to me I can handle the heat." Clare snatched the cloth from my hand and put it on zoeys forehead. Of course she could handle the heat her element was fire!"hmm your right she is hot." Suddenly professor Moreno entered."professor i-" "save your words child even I don't know what this strange magic is." Suddenly we heard a howl outside, not far, like a wolf's howl "what was that?" I said panicking. Professor Moreno looked up qite worried, her eyebrows met in a cross "just as I feard." "Well what is that?" Katie asked a little enthusiastic "werewolves." "What aren't they suppose to be mythical?" I looked out of the window "it's a full moon night." Suddenly zoey screamed with agony "wHAT'S HAPPENING TO HER!?" "wait!" Professor Moreno lifted zoey a bit and all of us were horified at what we saw, a dark purple aura slowly filling her back"a curse." "Well can it be undone." Katie asked and just when she did we heard the howls again a lot more and a lot closer "this curse will only affect her on full moon nights. It can not be lifted,I do not know who put it." Just as Katie was about to say something we heard bangs and people shouting "professor!" "You go Michele and I will stay with her." Katie nodded and ran out with Clare by her side.

Clare's P.O.V

As we opened the main doors I was horrified. All the students fighting these hideous creatures. Werewolves aren't as what you heard in the stories. They don't only form in full moon nights but whenever they want to, get a picture of a big hairy dog kind of like an angry ten times stronger German Shepard which is the size of three human bodies. Yeah get the picture. Anyway both of us went into the crowd hoping this was not the end.

Katie'a P.O.V

The battle carried on and on I saw David fighting using his earth magic to crush the werewolf's skull. How comforting. Everyone used thier element power to fight against the werewolves as I was fighting two of them twisting and Turing them in my tornadoes I noticed one werewolf which was dark brown in colour and had six witches surrounding it but managed to shoo all of them with one blow of its tail. But it had some different thing about it like it could control air. I threw the werewolves back to the dark part of the gray mountains and got ready to attack that one werewolf. I jumped on top of it as it tried to shake me off. Suddenly in a flat second I was on the floor with the werewolf on top of me,staring at me with spit falling all over my danm face."oH GOD DAM IT THAT IS DISGUSTING!" when I was wiping my face still on the floor I heard someone speak in my mind "God you witches are so irritating! Just leave us alone." "What! You leave us alone we didn't do anything to you." When I said that the werewolf on top of me looked as confused as I was. "You understood that?" "Well I'm not a professional in dog language but you did speak in English to me." Suddenly the werewolf was attacked by the one and only David. And Harry beside him. "Woah wait guys we were just talking, I guess " "if by talking you mean it growling at you and almost about to bite your head off then yeah sorry to interrupt such a lovely conversa-" both of them were blown away by the werewolfs air magic "aha so i was right you can control the wind." It turned toward me with anger "one of your students attacked our pride that is why we attacked you." "Ok bud let's just get this clear if and by if I mean IF one of us attacked you guys then he/she will be punished untill then, SAYONARA." "Thank you for your corporation what is your name?" "Katie barberie." As soon as I said that it's eyes widened and it loosend up,it suddenly got a very adorable kind puppy face to it as it bowed "Jason, head of the pride, no need to tell you my last name considering you all ready know it." That was all it, sorry HE said before another howl as all of them left. Clare came up to me with a few bruses and scratches "what was that about they just attacked us for no reason at all and ran." I was still in shock for some reason "Katie?" Clare put her hand on my shoulder "I need to talk to professor Moreno....NOW."

Katie's P.O.V

I barged into professor Moreno's office "I need to talk to you!" "Hasn't anyone tought you how to knock?" "I could understand it. One werewolf in my head." My voice was so shaky I felt like I was dreaming. She looked at me with disbelief "you could hear it talk in your mind?! Was it only this werewolf or others too?" "No it was only this one and he could bend air and when he asked my name he seemed a bit surprised and...and........................ this is just too much." I sat down plunging my head in my hands "what's happening?" "He?" "Huh? Oh yeah he told me his name was Jason and that there was no need in saying his last name cuz he said that I knew it." "Are you sure?" "Oh NO I WAS DREAMING IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIGHT! Please explain to me what is going on!" She walked gracefully towards her desk and lit a candle that looked a lot like a little Dragon "once there lived a high witch," sudenley the little flame started to form images of a beautiful woman as it continued to describe everything proffesor said "there were many names for her that was feared by all dark creatures, the scarlet witch was one strong very feared and well known name, so known because of the colour she left the demons place burning, but we knew her with a different name." She looked at me and smiled "Denieasia whitefeather. She fell in love with another witch both of them studied here. Soon she married the witch she loved, Maverick. They had two children the elder a girl and younger a boy." The fire formed a picture of two infants laughing with their arms around each other everyone looked so happy "but then came a day when a particular dark witch who seeked to avenge her dark sisters killed by the scarlet wich appeared in front of their house." The fire suddenly turned dark purple with a black figure in the middle "the two of them fought so well,but, not well enough. The dark witch killed both of them but was siverly injured she couldn't hurt the two children for some reason and so she cursed one child and in his veins flew werewolf blood from that day. She was so drained that she could do no more and left the infant's to fend for themselves." The fire stopped making images and bcame normal again "okay.....why did you tell me this fairy tale??" "Because the daughter of the scarlet witch is you." "Wow you said that very casually....actually i was expecting something like that.....ok I think I should go to bed it's been a long day." I said running out of the door with a fake yawn.

Clare's P.O.V

we waited patiently for Katie to come back "UUHH!! WHERE IS SHE I'M SO SLEEPYYY!!!!" Michelle yelled. Ok so we weren't so patient. The door creaked open and in came Katie with a pathetic look on her face "I have a brother who is a dog." She said making all of us so confused untill Michele laughed "so what breed is he Labrador or German Shepard?" Katie looked at her with a serious face "ooohhh your not kidding." Michele bit her nails feeling a bit embarrassed "anyway we''ll talk about this later how's zoey?" I pointed at her room "She is umm." We opened the door slowly and saw zoey struggling to sleep "God I wish there was a way to help her." Katie sat down next to her "professor Moreno said to wait untill it goes." I held zoeys hand "screw this I'm going to see arachneia." Katie said as she started to stomp away "wait you can't go now it's dangerous." I stopped her as she turned around "look at her Clare I can't bare to see her suffer anymore can you?....... I'm going for help. You two stay here." Before I could say anything else she had already gone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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