Chapter Two

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Ren took you down the long and confusing halls towards a room. It was fairly small and had a twin sized bed off the the side. A little chest had clothes inside and there was a nightstand also. You looked back over at him. He just told you he was going to come back tomorrow to start training. He then left and let you stay in the room. You slowly walked to the bed and sat down.

You could tell there was something wrong with him. As if something inside of him was pulling him apart. You could tell this just by the look in his eyes. You sighed and got dressed into different clothes since it was cold. You guessed that it was so cold because of the atmosphere of everyone. You didn't like the dark feeling the whole place gave you but you couldn't do anything about it. Once you got redressed you decided to go off and explore.

You got lost.

It was one of the things that you did often... Get lost. You usually got lost in your thoughts or just in the mental sense. As you walked down the hall nervously you swore you heard someone following you. You stopped and turned around quickly and backed up down the hall. You closed your eyes and started to hear whispers in your ears going back and forth. You opened your eyes again but they wouldn't stop. You couldn't make out what they were saying but you didn't want to know anyways. You then kept backing up until you hit something that you thought was a wall.

You turned around, expecting to see a dead end or a turn but instead you saw Ren. " I-I... " you said nervously and backed up. You must have looked a bit scared or nervous because he looked at you with a confused yet reassuring look.

" What are you doing? " he asked you and looked down at you.

" I was just... "

" bored? Looking around? " he asked a bit of bitterness in his tone. How could he know that was what you were thinking of? Maybe he was reading your mind in a way. You thought of that as an invasion of privacy which you personally disliked.

" I was-... " You sighed and nodded. " I'm sorry. " You said to him but he just walked towards you and grabbed your arm. He started to pull you around and show you everything before he took you back to your room. You went to say thank you to him but he just walked off and left you at your door.

Once back inside your room you laid down to sleep. Maybe you needed it.


Just a side note that not all this is going to be canon and a lot of it might not be exactly right. I just hope you guys enjoy this.

I'm also kinda sorry for this one being less long but I kinda wanted to have a smaller chapter to pull things together.

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