Chapter Eight

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You woke up the next morning still in the hospital bed. You noticed Ren had already gotten up and left. You frowned when you saw that you were the only one in there. You slowly got up and stumbled a bit as your side still felt horrible. You then made your way to the door, but it was locked. Something was wrong and you urgently banged on the door. You put your ear on it and heard people screaming, yelling, crying, and running urgently. Along with the sounds of blasters going off and lightsabers swinging. You backed up quickly and accidentally fell on your back.

You heard the door open up and heard footsteps come by you. You finally opened up your eyes to look at them. You thought it would be Ren but it wasn't.

You screamed a tiny bit and backed up. You didn't get a good look at them. " SSSH! " you heard one of them hush you.

" Who are you?! " You asked then finally looked at them. You knew those people. It was Rey and Fin. " Why are you here? " you asked a bit less defensive.

" We went to go take you back to the resistance but they had already taken you! We're here to save you. " Fin told you.

You stopped and felt your heart skip a beat. Here to save you. Those words repeated in your head.

" Come on, Y/N. " Rey said to you and walked over.

All you did was shake your head and start curling up. You didn't like it here, you had to except that. Though, Ren. You really liked Ren and you didn't want to betray him.

She looked at her sadly. " Please... I see he's hurt you hasn't he? " Rey said and you looked up at her.

" Rey... I can't leave him. " You told her. " Not now. "

She looked at you. " I don't care... What he's told you or what he's been doing with you. You need to go. This isn't right for you. " she told you and that got you thinking. Was he just lying to you? Did he have a bigger plan that Snoke had for you?

You looked at Rey and nodded. " I need clothes first. " You told her. " I'll get dressed and I'll go to the resistance base with you. " You told her and got up.

The three of you did what you needed to do. Then you all ran towards the exit. You were almost out when you felt a force holding you back. It was Ren from a distance. He was using the force to keep you still. Rey turned around and saw you, scared and hopeless now.

You then felt yourself come free but Ren was now holding you. His arms around your waist as he pulled you back. You tried to scream and push him off. You tried using the force to push him against the wall but you couldn't.

Rey was the one to push the both of you against the wall and he loosened his grip. That's when you got up and quickly moved back out to Rey. You turned around and saw Ren looking out at you.

" Come on! Come back in! " Ren shouted. You could feel Rey had grabbed your arm, or maybe it was Fin.

You heard Fin say something about just leaving now behind you.

You couldn't chose. You stood there scared. Was this a choice? Was this a kind of choice between the light and the dark side? You thought to yourself and closed your eyes. You didn't know what to do. What were you going to do?

My name is Maddie...
And I leave this on a cliffhanger :)

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