Chapter Sixteen

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Months. So many months went on where you carried around a child in you. It was joyous to have a child but it was a pain.

You got up out of your bed for the first time in a day and sighed. You looked down at your large stomach and gently started to rub it. Thinking for a moment you thought about what it's been like here. Everyone kept watch on you. As if your life meant more than the whole universe because you were carrying his baby around. He started to warm up to the place and act how he used to. Well, that's what Leia had told you.

You then slowly walked out and down to the dining hall to get some food. Usually people came to your room to give it to you. It had never been what you had wanted anyways.

You got your food and felt an arm wrap around you. You looked over to see Ben. You had gotten used to seeing him as Ben. He started wearing different clothes and was always more close to you than before. You liked it but something in you always missed the dark side of him. Though, it was more scary it was also different.

He then walked you over to a table and you sat down. He moved his chair closer to yours and pulled you close as you started to eat.

" So, you finally got out of bed? " he asked.

You looked back up at him and nodded. " Yeah. I thought it would be nice to actually walk around for once. " You told him and sighed. You breathed out and felt kicking in your stomach. The baby was moving. You gently set your hand on it and smiled slightly. 8 months. You thought. It had been 8 months since you brought him back, since you found out, since everything in your life happened. Nothing ever happened now since everyone made sure you both were as safe as possible.

Then all of a sudden you felt it. Your water broke. You started to panic and scream. You closed your eyes and heard people rushing over. Ben quickly helped you off towards the medical bay. This is not the plan! It's too early! I thought it was 8 months! What if it's a false alarm? Those kinds of questions kept racing through your head as you were pulled to the medical bay.

You were set down on a bed quickly and hooked up to machines and everything else. Your heart was racing but you didn't scream as you wanted to.

Things went so quickly that the next thing you heard were people telling you to push and all that stuff. You did as they said and felt Ben's hand squeezing yours tightly. You kept your eyes closed as you didn't want to see any of it. Not because it was the miracle of life, mostly because you didn't want to see what it looked like right now.

That's when you felt a bunch of relief. As if all the things that were carrying you down stopped. Literally. The baby popped it's way out and then was taken away quickly to be washed off.

" It's a Boy! " someone said.

You still kept your eyes closed and you felt Ben nudge your side so you would open them. That's when you saw the baby right there in his arms. His eyes were watery and he looked almost like he was going to cry. You never really saw him cry often. This was a happy cry that I would probably never see again.

" What are we going to name him? " you asked and heard your voice. It was hoarse from all the screaming.

Tell me in the comments what the child's name should be bc TBH I have no idea

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