Chapter Twenty

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Your POV:

You watched as Han looked so nervous. He was tapping his feet and looking out the window as if he left everything behind, which technically he did.

" What if he's going to come back and kill us? " Han asked you. You only sighed and looked down.

" He won't do that... " you shook your head and thought of the dream you had so many years ago. You had to lie to your son to keep him from worrying.

You saw him nod slightly but you knew that he knew you were lying to keep him from worrying.

Once you got back to the resistance base everyone was happy to see you. They hugged you and talked with Han. Things went great for the first night.

It was late at night and you were sleeping softly when you heard a scream coming from nowhere. He got up and quickly looked around but it must have just been in your head.

Once you fell asleep you heard the scream again, but this time you knew where it was coming from.

You were back in a forest area. You could hear yells and the clashing of lightsabers. Though, it was closer to you now then in the dream you had a long time ago.

You looked over to see Han and Ren fighting against each other. That's when you saw something horrifying. One of them was killed somehow with the others lightsaber. Though, you didn't remember who when you woke up.

Sweat. Screams. People. Pain. Scared. That's when you saw when you opened your eyes and quickly sat up.

Han and a few others were by your bed looking a bit scared for you.

" Mother? " he asked and looked at you worriedly. You quickly got up and looked out your window. The forest. You knew where it was.

" I need all of you to get ready... " You said. " I have a feeling the first order will be here by morning. " You quickly told them and watched everyone run out to wake the others. You knew that the dream had to be soon because Han was wearing exactly what he wore now.

He looked at you a bit scared then sighed.

" Mother, I know what the dream was. " He told you.

You looked over at him sadly. " You've learned a lot from him. " You say. " That's a horrible thing. "

He laughed a little bit and so did you.

" Look, I'll go get read- " he began to say but that's when you heard it. The ship from the first order landed.

You heard the yell come from outside.

" COME OUTSIDE! " You both heard Ren yell. " OR WE WILL ATTACK! "


Ah yes, someone dies...
Ah yes, I'm a horrible writer...
Ah yes, I fucking suck

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