Chapter Five

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The training kept going on for a long while. Each time you trained with him you saw yourself getting better. It was strange to think that you started to really enjoy it here. It was morning and you woke up to that pounding on your door. You got up and changed into what you usually wore. When you opened the door you noticed General Hux was the one at your door. Ren was behind him and he had his helmet on. You had a feeling in your stomach that something might be wrong.

" Come with us. " General Hux said and walked down the hall. The way he looked at you made you feel even more nervous. He seemed to be angry and obviously didn't like you. Though, you had only met him once when he came to talk to Ren during one of your trainings a couple days ago. You then sighed and followed behind Ren who hadn't said a word to you.

Once you got to the door you realized where you were going. Your eyes widened but you couldn't run now as the doors were opened and you were slightly forced inside with the other two. You gulped a bit and walked down the hall like thing towards the end. You stood behind the two of them and nervously tried to hide behind Ren. Though, he pushed you in the middle of the two of them.

" Y/n. " you heard him say. Snoke. That's what you knew him as. You looked up at him but then quickly looked away. " He has reported that you are advancing in your training. I would say with another week you'd be better than him. " You stopped and looked over at Ren.

" That's no- " You began to say but you were interrupted by General Hux who laughed a tiny bit. You then heard Ren say something.

" I doubt that... She hasn't adva- " Ren began to say but he was interrupted by Snoke.

" I can sense she's learning quickly. " he said a bit stern. " Kylo Ren, you're not as good as you expect. "

That made Ren look down sadly. That's when your stupid mouth opened. " How do you know? I've never won against him! Not even close! " You said a bit angrily.

You could see Ren move his head up and he quickly pushed you behind him. Was it because he was afraid of me getting hurt by Snoke? Just because I was being disrespectful? You asked yourself.

There was silence in the room before Snoke said something. " I guess I was wrong. She does have a lot to learn. " You heard then all of a sudden all you could see was black. You heard a yell that was close to you but then you heard nothing.

You woke up in your bed. There was a pain in your head, it was a little less painful than a migraine. You opened your eyes to see Ren was standing in your room watching you. Once he saw you awake and slowly made his way to the door.

  " Wait... " you said to him and he stopped, his back turned to you. " What happened? " You asked and he turned around.

He was obviously hurt. As if he got hurt. " Don't worry... " he just told you. The way he said it made you think he was keeping it from you just so you wouldn't feel sad.

" Ren... " You said. " It isn't your fault. Whatever happened. " You told him.


After that statement he just watched you. Not saying a word.

You were watching him also. Throughout the past two weeks you had started to notice every little thing he did. How he grinned proudly when he had won. How his face got red and how he breathed out angrily when you would be close to winning, or when you pinned him down. You started to notice little things that made him happy. Like, when you would open your door every morning to see him waiting. You'd both exchange a smile through your eyes, as if you both enjoyed being around each other.

All of a sudden your thoughts were broke apart when you noticed he had kissed you. His lips against yours. His were surprisingly soft yet so cold. Though his breath was hot. You didn't really know what to do at first so you started to kiss him back softly. The occasional sound of him moving a bit closer was all you could hear.

He pulled away and that's when you felt sad again. You felt yourself becoming cold again. You never noticed how cold you got when you were in your room.

" I'm sorry. " he said to you. You shook your head and stared at him.

" Don't be... " you said and smiled a little bit. " I'm not mad... I'm glad. " You told him. Though, he looked a bit angry himself. It made you confused.

  " It's just a distraction. " he said to himself and walked out. You looked at the door sadly.

" Ren. " you whispered a bit and hoped he would come back. Though, he didn't.

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