Chapter 1

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"Hey Layla wanna meet after school?" I turned around to see my best friend Lily smiling at me - her brown eyes glaring at me.

I chuckled at her serious face, "Sure why not, revision bores me anyway." I'm in my senior year at school and wow it's hard. My life is pretty much eat, sleep, learn, revision, repeat. I need a break. Lily hugged me just as the bell went.

"I've got English now, so I'll see you later?" I smiled closing my locker. Lily waved me off as I walked into lesson. I didn't actually mind English - I like writing so it's cool. I was described as the "dare devil" because I'm always getting into shit but I always behaved in English, oh and PE because what's not to love about PE?


Hooray school is over. I grabbed out my iPhone and started calling Lily to find out where she is at. After about 3 rings, she picked up.

"Hey where you at?"

"I'm just coming now, I just had chemistry so not far off."

"Okay see you in a bit!" I said as I hung up. While I was waiting I decided just to go on Twitter and find out what's going on - YouTube wise. I love watching people like Pewdiepie, Marcus Butler, Joe Sugg, Oli White, KSI and yeah them lot. Marcus Butler recently brought out a book called "Hello life" and it helped me loose so much weight. I used to be bullied by some guys about my weight for years and I finally lost it all. They are now my friends and I couldn't be happier. Eventually Lily turned up and we walked to her house.

A few hours later we ended up recording a video for her channel. It was the electric shock ball challenge and let me tell you this, it isn't half painful when you get the shock. One of our subjects was "Cars" and I hardly know any car brands so I was out in like 2 rounds.

"And thank you guys for watching, like if you enjoyed, subscribe if you want to be a babe and I'll see you lovely homies soon, laters!" Lily shouted towards her camera while I waved smiling. Lily walked over and stop the recording.

"L you were sick!" Lily said sarcastically.

"Hey not my fault you chose hard topics! And that thing doesn't half hurt!" I shouted pointing at the killer ball. We both laughed until I looked at the clock. 8:30pm, shit I'm late!

"Lil I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow!" I said running to get my coat and put my shoes on.

"Okay see you tomorrow! Love you!!" She shouted as I opened the door.

"Love you too!"

Urm yeah end of chapter 1 pretty bad I know... I didn't want to mention Simon too early in but he should be in the next one, if not the one after!

Vote if you enjoyed!

Lots of love

Ella x

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