Chapter 29

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A few moments later, darkness appeared. Is it really that late? Have I been here this long?

I lifted my head out of my arms and looked up. A tall figure was blocking the sunlight. I couldn't see as my eyes were so blurry from the tears.

"Can I help you?" I spluttered, trying to talk. I didn't not want to be bothered right now so I put my head back in my arms. I wanted to be left alone.

"L, come on." A voice said. I recognised that voice. No. No. No. It was his voice. Simon's. I looked up to see Simon holding out his hand. Just seeing him makes me cry more. Tears carried on flying down my cheeks as I just stared at him unable to speak.

"Go away," I whispered. Simon didn't move. "Leave me alone Simon!"

Simon didn't respond, so I just put my head back in my arms. Hopefully he will get the idea I don't want to talk to him. I mean he doesn't love me, so why won't he just leave me alone?

Suddenly, a pair of arms lifted me off the ground. I didn't move. I was really fragile. Instead I put my head in his chest and rested it there trying not to cry any more. However, that didn't work; I ended up crying even more. He didn't seem to care, he just carried on walking.

I was placed into a bed. My shoes were off and my phone was gone. I couldn't move so I just laid there. Within seconds, I drifted asleep.


I woke up with dry eyes. I groaned and rolled over to see Simon in bed next to me, shirtless. My heart melted at the view I was looking at but my mind was telling me no. He broke your heart, you need to leave. But where do I go? I don't have anything with me. I can't even drive yet. Instead I picked up my phone. 2:30am. Oops. I have been asleep for a very long time. I had 5 missed calls and 10 unread text messages. All from my mum. Shit, I completely forgot. They all said 'where are you?' And the more there was, the more angrier they got.

To mum:

Hey I'm super sorry! I lost my phone but I've only just found it! I'm at a mates so I'm safe Xx

I sighed. What have I done? Why did I get into this?

I tried to take my mind off it so I got out of bed trying not to wake Simon and went into the bathroom. I called up Lily to see if she could cheer me up. 2 rings later, she answered.


"Hello," she replied sounding tired.

"Did I wake you?"


"Oh sorry."

"It's cool. How you feeling?"

"I'll give you once guess, a hint is the time."

"I'll take that as a no then," Lily laughed causing me to giggle back.

"Will you be in on Monday?" Lil asked.

"Yeah I should be," I smiled. Well this will probably be the last time I see Simon for a while so I should be in. Hopefully, I would've recovered by then.

"So how was school?"

"Boring without you! Mrs Vickles farted in Math today! It was so funny!" Lily whispered laughing silently. I burst out laughing.

About 30 minutes later, I heard Lily yawn.

"I'll let you sleep now."

"Okay thank you L, get better soon."

"Thank you, I'll text you."

"Bye L."

"Bye Lil."

And with that, she hung up. I smiled at my phone. She always knows how to cheer me up. I walked out of the bathroom still smiling and walked back into Simon's room.

"Took your time."

I looked up to see Simon wide awake his hands behind his head. Part of me just wanted to jump on him but part of me wanted to walk away. I ignored him and sat on his gaming chair.

"L can we at least talk about this?" Simon asked.

"But there's nothing to talk about. You've made your feelings clear," I shrugged, returning to my phone. Suddenly, my phone was gone. Simon had taken my phone! I looked up at him pissed off.

"If I didn't care about you, would I have taken you back to mine and put you in my bed?" Simon asked rhetorically. As annoying as that was, he was right. I leant back on the chair and crossed my arms letting him explain.

"Look at me please."

I sighed and lifted up my head to see the beautiful face that belongs to my boyfriend. Simon smiled and began.

"Layla, we've only been together a month, I don't know if I love you or not. I definitely like you but it's too soon to say that I love you."

"But I know that I love you, so why don't you love me?" I asked looking away from him. I don't know why, but I hate talking about this. It's not my thing.

"I've never been in a relationship that could mean so much to me before so I don't know what it's like to love someone," he replied looking down. So I'm his proper first. I looked back up to him and smiled. He smiled back and took my hands to pull me up.

"Forgive me?" He whispered sexily, leaning close to me. I didn't even respond. Instead I just smashed my lips onto his.

I will make him love me.

Yo guys!

Yaaay they made up!! Who's happy? I am hehe

Lots of love,

Ella Xxx

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