Chapter 21

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After I left Simon's room, I got changed into the sidemen joggers and a England jersey before throwing my hair into a messy bun. Today I was going home and I really didn't want to. I wanted to be with my boyfriend and his friends. I've never been this happy in ages. I didn't bother applying make up as it was a lazy day. All the guys were recording so I would be on my own.

I walked down the stairs to see everyone in the kitchen eating.

"Eating already?" I giggled placing myself next to Simon.

"Layla it's 12..." Josh frowned. I frowned and pressed the home button on my phone to see it was 12pm...where does time go?!

"Oh..." I blushed whilst the guys all laughed at me.

"Someone recovering from a hangover? Simon what did you do to my fuck buddy?!" Jj shouted causing me to drop my head in my hands holding in my laughter. I looked up to see Simon bright red. He looked so cute when he blushes.

"I didn't nothing, I'm completely innocent," Simon smiled. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my leg causing me to jump a little. Once I realised it was Simon's, I relaxed the and put my hand on his but still so no one can see. Smiling to myself, I looked up to see Vik frowning. He was on the opposite side to me.

"What?" I asked removing the smile from my face.

"Why you smiling?" Vik asked. A shiver went down my spine as opened my mouth but no words coming out. I could feel everyone's gaze at me.

"Because I'm happy. I'm with 4 guys that make me laugh," I spluttered trying to smile. So so cringy Layla, sick one. I heard Jj say awww and run up to me and hug me from behind. I giggled and hugged him back. This just really makes me wanna stay even more!

"We will find out after the break!" The tv said as adverts appeared. I was currently sitting on the sofa watching Jeremy Kyle with my pot of Ben and Jerry's ice cream on my own. The guys were filming videos so I was on my own with my Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream, which Simon bought me, with a blanket wrapped around me. I felt quite relaxed, but needed a cuddle. Pulling a sad face, I picked up my phone and unlocked it. My home screen was a picture of me and Simon before we started dating. We were both smiling stupidly with matching Leeds shirts. We look like retards but I adore that photo of us. I smiled at the photo before messaging Simon.

To Simon:

Are you still recording? It's boring down here :( xxx <3

A few seconds later, he replied.

From Simon:

Yeah I am, sorry L, I'll be down soon but hopefully before the guys so I can give you a cuddle lol. Xxxx

My heart fluttered at the 2nd to last word. I could so do with a cuddle right now. I need a Simon hug.

"Hello and welcome back! Today we deal with a girl called Samantha who is 18 and her boyfriend is 25 but her parents just won't accept it. She is here today to hope they finally can. Please welcome Samantha!" Jeremy Kyle introduced. I dropped my phone and fixed my eyes on the telly. This will come in handy one day.

"Well I've been dating Marty for a few months now, but my parents still won't accept it and it's becoming pathetic. I love Marty but they just won't be happy for me."

"Okay so what is your aim for today?"

"To win them round."

"Okay please welcome Sam's mum, Kat!"

Kat came on; she didn't look pleased at all. I mean it's only a 7 year difference so it's not that bad!

As I was still watching the episode, Vik walked in. I politely smiled as he came and sat next to me. He looked suspicious.

"You okay?" I asked frowning a bit.

"Yeah. You?" I nodded. Vik was about to say something else but didn't. I frowned at his pause but faced back to the telly.

"Jeremy Kyle ey? Wow you must be bored," Vik laughed. Well at least his not being funny anymore.

"Yah! Don't hate on Jezza!" I whined, throwing my hands up in the air. Vik laughed and started watching it. However, he is the worst person to watch TV with. He kept asking questions as the answers were being revealed. I mentally face palmed as Vik carried on.

Suddenly, he blurted out a question I didn't expect...

"Layla, how old are you?"


Hey guys!!

Thank you so much for over 100 votes!!! Ahh that's crazy!! Love you all so much xxxxx

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