Chapter 41

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"Where have you been?! I spoke to your dad and he said he hasn't heard from you."

I didn't respond I didn't know what to say. I've been caught out. And she's super mad.

"Oh and who's Simon? Is that who you've been with?"

My heart dropped. How does she know about Simon? No one knows about us. Has she been stalking me? Tears started falling down my cheeks. She caught me.

"Well who is this fucking Simon? Is he your boyfriend?"

I nodded.

"How long?"

Words weren't coming out of my mouth.


"Just over 4 months..." I whispered. I looked up to see my mum turning as red as a strawberry. She looked like she had smoke coming out of her ears.

"Layla why? Why have you been lying to me?" She shouted, but not as loud as before. I was scared and speechless.


"Layla no more lies, tell me!"

"Because he's 22..." I said dropping my head down letting the tears drip onto the floor. I heard my mum gasp in shock then held out her hand.

"I want your phone," she said. Without thinking, I lifted my head shook my head. She gave me a death glare but I still refused.

"Fine. You text him. I don't want you seeing him anymore!"

"What? No! You can't do that! I love him mum!" I shouted with a fluster of anger. No way am I loosing Simon! I need him so much.

"No you don't Layla! Your a confused teenager! Give me the fucking phone!"

"No!" I shouted grabbing my bag and sprinting upstairs to my room. Rapidly, I shut my door and locked it shut. I slid down my door and cried. She knows. My mum knows. We didn't want to tell her this way.

How the fuck did she find out?!

I can't loose Simon. He means the world to me. I need him in my life. He is the only one who cares about me so much. He loves me I know he does.

But he hasn't said it.

Maybe he doesn't love me?

Maybe is using me.

Maybe he's in love with someone else and I'm just there to keep him company.


Simon loves me.


Struggling for strength, I stood up from my door, unlocked it and trampled over to my bed. It's been 4 months Layla, he hasn't said he loves me. I know I mean a lot to him. He does love me. I know he does.

A few moments later, I heard a knock on the door. Without me responding, my mum just walked in and sat next to me on my bed. I wiped away my tears my bloodshot eyes not even wanting to make any eye contact at my mum, and put my head between my arms and legs.

"Look Layla, I'm sorry for shouting at you. I just got so mad and overreacting. I only did that because I care about you," she sighed placing her hand on my arm. I lifted my head and scoffed.

"No you don't. If you cared, you'd be happy for me."

"But he's 22 Layla! Your 17 it's quite a difference. I bet he hasn't even said he loves you."

No response.

"He hasn't has he?" She asked. Instead of answering, I just burst out into tears. My mum pulled me into a massive hug and tried to calm me down. It wasn't working, I needed Simon's cuddles to calm me down. They always worked.

"End it with him L. It's for the best."

"L" that's what Simon called me. Only Simon was aloud to call me that. It was special the way he called me it. It wasn't like anyone else's. I just need to hear Simon call me L one last time.

She did generally look upset. She looked guilty. Why did she look guilty? How long has she known?

I shakily pulled out my phone and opened it up. It revealed a picture of me and my boyfriend. My mum stared at the photo for a long time since I didn't have the strength to press on the messages. I felt weak. I couldn't contain my tears.

"So that's him? You both look so happy," she sighed. I nodded my head as more tears dashed out of my eyes leaving them super blood shot. He might look happy but he doesn't love me.

"It was before we were dating. I've kept it as that since we took it," I faintly smiled. My mum put a hand on my shoulder as I finally opened messages and started texting the worst message of my life.

To Simon:

Simon. My mum found out. I can't be with you no longer. Thank you for the bestest few months of my life, I won't ever forget them. You mean so much to me and always will. You are my first love and always will be. I love you with all my heart but I know you don't. But that's okay. I've been stupid. I knew you didn't love me but I kept telling myself you did. So I need to get over you. Don't message me back please. I love you so fucking much Simon Minter. - Your Laylie Xx

After I pressed send, that was it. I'm single. I'm broken. My heart has been split into 2 and I he has the other half. I'm empty. I'm alone. I dropped my phone on the bed and broke down. Harder. My mum pulled me into a close hug but it wasn't working. In fact, it was making me worse. How am I going to be able to deal with myself without Simon?

Noooooo ;_;

So her and Simon are over:( I started crying when I wrote that note lol.

Will Simon reply and fight for her? Or will he just let go and not bother?

Next chapter soon...;)

How do I save GIF's to my iPhone? I want to do it for this but it's not working 😶

Lots of love,

Ellaaaa x

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