Chapter 11

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Finally, we arrived back at my house. It was 4:30, so I should be home about now if I do stuff after school anyway. Simon put his hand break on and turned his head in my direction. Our eyes met. We looked in each other's eyes, until Simon moved closer. He moved even closer so our noses touched. We were both smiling until a noise ruined it. My phone. Fuck sake. Why?! Out of all times why now?

"Sorry..." I mumbled, moving away from him. Nothing would've happened away, I'm too young for him and there's no feelings between us? Surely?

From Mum:

Hey sweetie, where are you? Don't be too late please Xxx

I sighed. Well at least it wasn't Lily, which reminds me, shit! I didn't text her back!

"Okay I have to go, I'll text you later," I smiled, tugging away my phone in my pocket before looking up to Simon. Butterflies entered my stomach. Go away I don't feel anything for him, I've just met him!

"Okay see you later Layla, meet up again soon yeah?"

"Yeah course!" I said, whilst giving him a cuddle. His cuddles. Oh my. They are to die for. I didn't want to let go and I think he got that I didn't want to. We were hugging for like a minute as the hugs got tighter. So tight that I could smell his cologne a lot stronger. Suddenly, I broke away. I wish I could just stay in his arms. No no! I need to stop thinking like that. I don't fancy him!

I got out the car and waved bye to Simon as he drove off. I smiled to myself whilst walking to my front door. I sprayed my Victoria Secret spray on my body so Simon's sent was off me and walked in. I was greater by my mother. She didn't look happy one bit.

"Where have you been? Where's your uniform?" She shouted, her face flustered in anger.

"I've been at a mates revising!" I shouted back. Please, I don't want to row with my mum.

"Well why didn't you tell me?!"

"My phone died!" I lied.

I hate lying to my mum, but it's for the best.

"Well remember to make sure it's 100% when you leave for school next time and please tell me I was worried," she sighed. I sighed back and nodded. We hugged, well thank god that's over. It could've been a lot worse.

"So how was school?" She asked.

"It was fine, I'm gonna go and get changed," I said, pulling out of our hug. My mum nodded and headed back to the kitchen. I ran upstairs with my bag and flumped myself on my bed.

What am I doing?

It feels wrong. I don't like skipping class.

Am I playing a "dangerous game?"

Hey guys!!

I'm so sorry! I haven't updated in like forever :( I have had exams all week so I've been revising but they are over now! Yay!

I'm thinking of heating things up in the next chapter idk??? Or does it seem too soon?

Follow me on Twitter for gossip and Simon shit;)


Lots of love,

Ella xxx

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